Open to Debate: Whose pandemic is this?

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Since the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, observers have been talking about the “egalitarian” nature of the virus. ‘Covid-19 doesn’t discriminate’ has been a common refrain. But while the virus itself may have common effects across populations, the pandemic and its consequences are far from equally shared.
As with many public health challenges, the effects and costs of the pandemic are distributed unequally, with marginalized individuals and groups often asked to do the most while facing a higher likelihood of becoming ill.
It may comfort us to say we’re all in this together. But that isn’t quite true, leaving us to ask: Whose pandemic is this?

On this bonus episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Arjumand Siddiqi, Canada Research Chair in Population Health Equity and Associate Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

Innovating Vaccine Development

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode, host Jodi Butts speaks with Jaykumar Menon, international human rights lawyer and founder of the Open Source Pharma Foundation about whether now is the time to experiment with developing a new model for vaccine discovery.

Open to Debate: Is this time different?

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Around the world, Black Lives Matter and their allies – are demanding justice — and structural change — in response to years upon years of racist violence, marginalization, and repression. In many instances, activists are being met with further state violence at the hands of police and resistance from elected representatives and officials.
Despite state intransigence, one of the core demands gaining traction right now is the movement to ‘defund the police’. But what does that mean? And, moreover, could it happen? Are we on the brink of lasting, foundational change?

Is this time different?

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Fabio Rojas, professor of sociology at Indiana University Bloomington.

COVID19: Race in Healthcare

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode of the 2020 Network, host Jodi Butts speaks with Nelson Saddler, second year medical student at the University of Toronto, and member of the Black Medical Students’ Association at UofT, about race in healthcare during a pandemic.

COVID19 and the Future of Work: Part 2

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

In part 2 of this special 2-part conversation on the future of work post COVID19, host Jodi Butts speaks with Pedro Barata, Executive Director at the Future Skills Centre to discuss the skills that will be needed in a labour market transformed by COVID19, automation and other factors.

Insurgents: Inside a New Generation of Progressive Leadership

A note about the collection

Insurgents: Inside a New Generation of Progressive Leadership is a brand new collection of essays featuring contributions from progressive policy thinkers from Canada, New Zealand, the United States, Italy, France, Hungary and the UK.

Adeptly curated by Global Progress founder Matt BrowneInsurgents presents a unique look at our recent shared political history and profiles the progressive campaigns that found success in their commitment to a more inclusive, democratic and open world. Across the essays featured, Browne seeks out the common traits that propelled the rise of a new generation of progressive political leadership – a generation defined in large part by its opposition to growing authorianism and destructive far-right nationalism.

What I find particularly compelling about this volume is its insights beyond the sloganeering of recent progressive political victories. In passing the pen to the architects of Justin Trudeau’s, Jacinda Ardern’s or Emmanuel Macron’s campaigns, we are given a rare opportunity to observe the comparative and connective tissue that binds and defines progressive politics in the 21st century.

As Browne outlines, “purpose-driven insurgencies” are driven by authentic leadership, a commitment to unity and inclusion, and an openness to organizational innovation. This set of shared attributes is not only a helpful framework for navigating the political moment we are in, but also – and perhaps more importantly – instructional for the next generation of progressive leaders seeking to keep up the momentum.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

– Alex Paterson, Executive Director, Canada 2020

Table of Contents

04 PREFACE by Neera Tanden

05 INSURGENCY WITH PURPOSE: Towards a new progressive politics by Matt Browne

06 ROTTAMATORE: The rise and fall of Matteo Renzi by Giuliano da Empoli 

07 REAL CHANGE: How an openness to new supporters built a foundation for progressive politics by Anna Gainey & Braeden Caley

08 ONWARDS: How En Marche! was set into motion by Ismael Emelien 

09 LET’S DO THIS: Purpose, Optimism and the revival of New Zealand Labour by David Talbot 

10 UNITY IN OPPOSITION: Gergely Karácsony and the Budapest model by David Dorosz 

Download Insurgents: Inside a New Generation of Progressive Leadership


Matt Browne, is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, where he leads the organisation’s work on populism and transatlantic relations, and is the founder of Global Progress, a network of leaders, think
tanks and strategists. Recently, Matt was co-director of the Berggruen Institute task force on the Renewal of Democracy in the Digital Age.

Giuliano da Empoli, is an Italian writer and journalist. He is the founding chairman of Volta, a think tank based in Milan. He served as Senior Advisor to Prime Minister Renzi.

Anna Gainey, served as President of the Liberal Party of Canada from 2014 to 2018, after being an active member of the party for over 15 years. She also served as a special assistant to Minister John McCallum and as NATO Policy Advisor to Minister Bill Graham – two former Canadian Defence Ministers. She is the Executive Director of the Gainey Foundation.

Braeden Caley, is Senior Director for Communications for the Liberal Party of Canada. He worked on the 2015 and 2019 elections and was elected B.C. President of the Liberal Party in 2013. He has advised a variety of Canadian progressive political leaders for 15 years, having also worked as Director of Policy and Communications to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and with a number of Liberal MPs.

Ismael Emelien, is a French political advisor and is the co-founder of En Marche!. He served as President Emmanuel Macron’s special advisor for strategy, communication, and speeches from 2017-2019. He also served as Head of Strategy for his presidential campaign, and previously worked in the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance.

David Talbot, serves as a special advisor to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. He previously served as Managing Director of the polling company UMR New Zealand and led its policy section. In 2014, he was the campaign manager for the NZ Labour Party.

Neera Tanden, is the president and CEO of the Center for American Progress and the CEO of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, where she focuses on how both organizations can fulfill their missions to expand opportunity for all Americans. Tanden has also served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations, and was the director of domestic policy for the Obama-Biden presidential campaign.

David Dorosz, is a Hungarian jurist, author, political strategist, campaign manager, and politician. He has served as Deputy Mayor of Budapest for Climate and Development since November 2019. Previously, he was a member of the National Assembly of Hungary from 2010 to 2014. He is a member and former COO of the Dialogue for Hungary party, and served as chairman of Gergely Karácsony’s winning campaign for Mayor of Budapest.

Adam Fiscor, is the CEO of Datadat – a software and data company that specialises in supporting political and social organisations. He previously served as chief of staff in the Prime Minister’s Office and as a cabinet minister in different Hungarian governments until 2010.

About Global Progress

Global Progress is an international network of progressive foundations, think tanks and leaders committed to the exchange of ideas, research, and best practices that help promote an economic vision for shared prosperity and an inclusive approach to politics. Over the last decade, Global Progress has convened workshops and seminars in over twenty countries across four continents — from Santiago to Sydney, Montreal and New York to Madrid and Berlin — and hosted an annual summit that brings together progressive leaders from across the globe.

COVID19 and the Future of Work: Part 1

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

In part 1 of this special 2-part conversation on the future of work post COVID19, host Jodi Butts speaks with Brittany Forsyth, Chief Talent Officer at Shopify about Shopify’s decision to shift to a digital workplace.

Open to Debate: Can capitalism solve climate change?

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Humankind is facing an extraordinary threat. No, not that threat. The other one. Climate change. And we are running out of time to develop and implement solutions to meet the challenge — or, at least, to mitigate the worst of what’s coming.

Tackling the climate crisis requires radical change, including adaptations to — or perhaps upheavals of — the social, political, and economic systems that have delivered us into this mess. Some people, however, argue that there is much we can and should want to keep of the old ways, not least of which may be the market economy.

That leaves us to ask: Can capitalism solve climate change? On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Tom Rand, venture capitalist and author of The Case of Climate Capitalism: Economic Solutions for a Planet in Crisis.

America and COVID-19 with Ben Rhodes

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode of the 2020 Network, host Jodi Butts speaks with Ben Rhodes on the state of America in midst of a pandemic. Ben Rhodes is the author of the New York Times bestseller The World As It Is, the co-chair of National Security Action and an advisor to former President Barack Obama. From 2009-2017, Rhodes served as Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama.