@Risk: Fictional Meltdowns with Emily St. John Mandel

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Meltdowns reveal so much about our dependencies, our vulnerabilities, and our character.

On this episode of @Risk, Jodi Butts speaks with Canadian author Emily St. John Mandel, whose two most recent books, The Glass Hotel, and Station Eleven, follow characters impacted by disaster. Emily and Jodi explore the real and fictional risks we choose and the ones that choose us

To read the full transcript of this episode, click here

Open to Debate: Should Canada adopt a universal basic income?

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Around the world, the calls have begun to “build back better.” The slogan, or some variant of it, is ubiquitous. Even as we continue to manage life during the pandemic, we start to look beyond it, towards something better, we hope.

In Canada, the idea of a universal basic income has been circulating for decades. However, as the discussions and debates around our post-pandemic world pick up, it’s an idea that is enjoying a moment. And so on this episode, we ask: Should Canada adopt a universal basic income?

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Armine Yalnizyan, Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Work at the Atkinson Foundation.

Crisis to Resilience: Natural Resource Recovery

On this episode of Crisis to Resilience, Canada 2020 Executive Director Alex Paterson is joined by Kim Rudd, former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources, and Michel Trepanier, President of the Quebec Building Trades Council, to talk about their new report Real Jobs, Real Recovery and how we navigate a natural resource sector at a crucial crossroads for recovery.

@Risk: The Calls Coming from Inside Journalism

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It is often the people who care the most about an institution who also dare to raise the problems within it.

On this episode of @Risk, Jodi Butts speaks candidly with Jeff Jarvis, an American journalist, professor and media pundit’s pundit, and Nana aba Duncan, an award-winning broadcaster, William Southam Journalism Fellow and founder of Media Girlfriends, about some of the overlooked internal threats to journalism and how they can be overcome.

To read the full transcript of this episode, click here

Crisis to Resilience: People, Capital and Ideas with Robert Asselin

On this episode of Crisis to Resilience, Canada 2020’s Alex Paterson sits down with Robert Asselin, currently the Senior Vice President at the Business Council of Canada, and former Director of Policy to the Hon. Bill Morneau.

The Business Council’s new report – Powering a Strong Recovery – lays out a recovery plan for our economy. But, as Alex and Robert discuss, even though times are unprecedented, many of Canada’s challenges (and opportunities) brought on by COVID aren’t exactly new. 

Crisis to Resilience: Keeping Canada Connected

Crisis to Resilience is a new Canada 2020 virtual series exploring how we can build a more resilient future for all Canadians.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the urgent need for universal robust connectivity from coast to coast to coast. As lockdown measures transform the way we shop, learn, and even receive health care, a lack of reliable internet access is a not just an isolating hindrance to far too many Canadians, but also a significant barrier to unlocking Canada’s true potential in the 21st century economy. Tune in to a conversation exploring how we can use this moment of crisis to make generational improvements to connectivity infrastructure.

Open to Debate: Who will get the Covid-19 vaccine – and when?

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Around the world, the race is on to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. So far, nearly 200 candidates are in the works, including dozens at the human-trial stage. The optimistic experts tell us that a vaccine could be ready this year or early next, and set for distribution by mid-to-late 2021. The pessimists suggest it could take longer. But few doubt that we will be able to produce a vaccine.

The question of concern, therefore, is not whether we’ll develop a Covid-19 vaccine or whether it will be safe and effective. The question of concern is ‘Who will get the Covid-19 vaccine–and when?’

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Dr. Alan Bernstein, president and CEO of the Canada-based global research organization CIFAR and member of Canada’s Covid-19 vaccine task force.

Open to Debate: What just happened, America?

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In the United States, the votes have been cast. In some jurisdictions, they are still being counted despite the best efforts of President Trump to stop it. But counted they will be.

The presidential election was closer than many expected, despite Joe Biden winning more votes than any contender in U.S. history. We are left with questions about the Biden campaign strategy, polling, and the state and future of American elections and democracy. For now we ask: What just happened, America?

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Steven D’Souza, New York correspondent for CBC News.

The Social Impact of Canada’s Economic Response to COVID-19

Crisis to Resilience is a new Canada 2020 virtual series exploring how we can build a more resilient future for all Canadians.

In this episode, Canada 2020’s Alex Paterson speaks with the Hon. Mona Fortier,  Canadian Minister for Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance, about the immediate action taken by the Canadian government to support the most vulnerable Canadians impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, and why it is crucial to consider the social impacts of  emergency fiscal policies.