Insights from Gerry Butts – Part 1, Climate Change and Coronavirus

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For this final 2-part episode of the 2020 Network’s special COVID-19 series, host Jodi Butts speaks with Gerald Butts, current consultant with the Eurasia Group, former Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former CEO of the World Wildlife Fund.

In part 1 of this episode, they discuss climate change in the context of a pandemic, what the new economy might look like post-pandemic, and the challenges that lie ahead.

Open to Debate: Do we need the United Nations Security Council?

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In June, Canada lost its bid for a temporary seat on the United Nations Security Council. The loss came after four years of campaigning for the spot and is reminiscent of Stephen Harper’s 2010 failure. Back then, we lost to Germany and Portugal. This time, it was to Ireland and Norway. Each time, we have been left asking: Why?

Previously, going back to 1946, Canada had won each of its bids for a UNSC seat. What is it about Canada’s contemporary foreign policy that led to the two losses? And beyond that do we need the United Nations Security Council?

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Caroline Dunton, a doctoral student in political studies at the University of Ottawa who studies campaigns for seats on the United Nations Security Council and a researcher with the Centre for International Policy Studies.

Thinking During a Pandemic

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode of the 2020 Network, host Jodi Butts speaks with Dan Gardner about how we cope with the uncertainty and unpredictability of this pandemic, and what we are all working towards. Dan Gardner is a New York Times best-selling author of books about psychology and decision-making, and a senior fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Open to Debate: Whose pandemic is this?

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Since the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, observers have been talking about the “egalitarian” nature of the virus. ‘Covid-19 doesn’t discriminate’ has been a common refrain. But while the virus itself may have common effects across populations, the pandemic and its consequences are far from equally shared.
As with many public health challenges, the effects and costs of the pandemic are distributed unequally, with marginalized individuals and groups often asked to do the most while facing a higher likelihood of becoming ill.
It may comfort us to say we’re all in this together. But that isn’t quite true, leaving us to ask: Whose pandemic is this?

On this bonus episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Arjumand Siddiqi, Canada Research Chair in Population Health Equity and Associate Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

Innovating Vaccine Development

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode, host Jodi Butts speaks with Jaykumar Menon, international human rights lawyer and founder of the Open Source Pharma Foundation about whether now is the time to experiment with developing a new model for vaccine discovery.

Open to Debate: Is this time different?

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Around the world, Black Lives Matter and their allies – are demanding justice — and structural change — in response to years upon years of racist violence, marginalization, and repression. In many instances, activists are being met with further state violence at the hands of police and resistance from elected representatives and officials.
Despite state intransigence, one of the core demands gaining traction right now is the movement to ‘defund the police’. But what does that mean? And, moreover, could it happen? Are we on the brink of lasting, foundational change?

Is this time different?

On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Fabio Rojas, professor of sociology at Indiana University Bloomington.

COVID19: Race in Healthcare

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

On this episode of the 2020 Network, host Jodi Butts speaks with Nelson Saddler, second year medical student at the University of Toronto, and member of the Black Medical Students’ Association at UofT, about race in healthcare during a pandemic.

COVID19 and the Future of Work: Part 2

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

In part 2 of this special 2-part conversation on the future of work post COVID19, host Jodi Butts speaks with Pedro Barata, Executive Director at the Future Skills Centre to discuss the skills that will be needed in a labour market transformed by COVID19, automation and other factors.

COVID19 and the Future of Work: Part 1

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The COVID19 pandemic is moving quickly, as is the news and information around it. That’s why our team on the 2020 Network is focused on giving you some balanced perspective on the story as it develops.

In part 1 of this special 2-part conversation on the future of work post COVID19, host Jodi Butts speaks with Brittany Forsyth, Chief Talent Officer at Shopify about Shopify’s decision to shift to a digital workplace.