/Thread 49: A new Digital Charter, NAFTA 2.0 progress, and the Liberal’s media bailout plan

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“[The Digital Charter] is a document for consumers…It’s a way of telling consumers at a very high level ‘we’ve got you. How we’ve got you? TBD.'”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Toronto panelists Marieke Walsh of iPolitics and Murad Hemmadi of The Logic. The trio discuss: The Liberal government’s release of Canada’s new Digital Charter as a part of the feds larger digital strategy, why a ratified NAFTA 2.0 is looking more likely with the arrival of U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence next week in Ottawa, and the details of the Liberal’s media bailout plan.

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/Thread 48: The Mark Norman affair, politicians dive into climate talk, and Alabama’s abortion ban

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“For a long time, the anti-abortion movement in the United States was very deliberately and strategically incremental, very modest – just little gains here, little gains there. They now appear much more emboldened.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s, and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. The three catch up after a week away to discuss the latest in the Mark Norman affair, how politicians at the federal and provincial level are pitching their climate plans, and the fallout from Alabama’s strict abortion ban.

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2020 Live Episode 16: On location at Collision tech conference in Toronto

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“As far as tech, Canada has a number of things going for it right now. We’re in a really good position to go out to the world and say ‘we’re probably your number one place to come.'”

Thousands gathered at the Collision tech conference in Toronto last week, the first time the global forum has taken place in Canada. The 2020 Network was there to capture the thoughts of entrepreneurs and tech gurus who spoke about where the industry is headed, how the tech sector is working to become more diverse, and how Canada, and specifically Toronto, is attracting innovators. You’ll hear from thought leaders like Toronto Mayor John Tory, the co-founder of Collision Paddy Cosgrave, and more.

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2020 Live Episode 15: In Conversation with the Minister of Health, Ginette Petitpas Taylor

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“Canadians are proud of their healthcare system and we don’t need polls to tell us that…Yet we are not blind to our system’s fault, and one big fault is the access to prescription medication.”

Hon. Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health, joins Alex Paterson in the Canada 2020 studio to discuss the future of Canada’s pharmacare plan just months before the release of the Pharmacare Advisory Council’s final report. The report will include specific recommendations on the program’s design and delivery. Listen to hear Minister Petitpas Taylor take questions from a live studio audience about the scope, shape, and goals of a national pharmacare plan.

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Quality Content Episode 28: The Martin Family Initiative, with the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin and Chloe Ferguson

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“We felt that not only did education for First Nations have to be brought up to standard, but that it was important that it be education that they control.”

On the latest Quality Content, Alex Paterson sits down with the founder of The Martin Family Initiative, former prime minister of Canada, Paul Martin, and the organization’s Early Years Program Director, Chloe Ferguson to chat about MFI’s central program pillars, the importance of community involvement and leadership, and how lessons at the grassroots level can be applied to government decision-making.

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2020 Live Episode 14: In conversation with the Minister of Rural Economic Development, Bernadette Jordan

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“I believe that building our nation’s high speed internet is as important as building our roads, and has the power to be as transformational as the national electric grid was in the 19th century. “

Hon. Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Rural Economic Development, joins Alex Paterson in the Canada 2020 studio to discuss the challenges and opportunities of improved connectivity infrastructure across the country. Listen to hear Minister Jordan take questions from the live studio audience about what is being done in rural parts of Canada to improve connectivity, and why it’s so important for the economy.

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/Thread 47: Canola crisis, managing spring floods, and the Caster Semenya ruling

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“We need to not necessarily cast the Caster Semenya story as a human rights issues in line with our much greater consciousness and open thinking about gender differences, we need to think about it as a competitive issue. “

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s, and David Reevely of the Canadian Press. The three discuss: the ongoing canola crisis in Canada and trade tensions with China, spring flooding relief and municipal infrastructure dilemmas, and the Caster Semenya court ruling and the implications for female athletics.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 33: Canola Crisis, with Kelsey Johnson

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“People want to know what is being talked about at the kitchen tables in farm houses across Western Canada…it’s this.”

Kelsey Johnson, agriculture reporter at iPolitics joins Sarah Turnbull to talk about the significance of canola production in Canada and why the industry is facing major uncertainties due to a “scientific-based disagreement” with China.

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Quality Content Episode 27: World Press Freedom, with Shawn McCarthy

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“We need to be clear-eyed about the risks, while not getting bogged down or intimidated by the threats…no freedom is absolute.”

Host Alex Paterson sits down with Shawn McCarthy, national business correspondent for The Globe and Mail and president of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom. Ahead of World Press Freedom Day on Friday May 3rd, the two talk about the state of Canadian journalism, what challenges journalists are facing, and what it means to achieve a free press.

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