/Thread Episode 31: Trump’s address to the nation, Liberal cabinet shuffles, and Kim Campbell’s profanity

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“What I found odd about the address was that this is a president who has championed himself as an outside Washington guy – you know the rebels at the gates – and here he is sitting with all the trappings of the government around him. The medium or the venue did not suit the message.”

Host Sarah Turnbull sits down with Susan Delacourt, national columnist and Ottawa bureau chief at the Toronto Star and David Reevely, news editor at The Canadian Press to talk about the week’s headlines. Topics include: U.S. President Donald Trump’s address to the nation regarding the proposed wall at the U.S./Mexico border, the Liberal’s impending cabinet shuffle following MP Scott Brison’s retirement announcement, and former Prime Minister Kim Campbell’s profanity on Twitter.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 24: Oil Pricing, with Robert Johnston

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“Think of it in four steps….wellhead, hub, rack, retail. Every person there has to make a margin.”

Robert Johnston of Eurasia Group joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain what determines the price of oil, who sets the price, and what factors influence prices at the pumps.

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/Thread Episode 30: 2018 Headline Highlights

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“Every time I do a look back of whatever year it’s been, I’m actually shocked at what has happened…it’s been a year.”

It’s part two of our holiday edition of /Thread. Host Sarah Turnbull sits down with 2020 Network hosts Aaron Reynolds and Alex Paterson to highlight some of the top news headlines of 2018.

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/Thread Episode 29: Best of 2018

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“It was not only a really good conversation but you pushed the soundscape boundaries of what we can do.”

On this holiday edition of /Thread, host Sarah Turnbull sits down with 2020 Network hosts Aaron Reynolds and Alex Paterson to highlight some of the team’s favourite interviews from 2018.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 23: The Official Languages Act, with Raymond Théberge

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“The ultimate is goal is equality but we have a long way to go before both languages are equal.”

Commissioner of Official Languages, Raymond Théberge, joins host Aaron Reynolds to discuss how and why Canada became a bilingual country, what it means to our national identity, and why it’s important to preserve those laws both federally and provincially.

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2020 Live Episode 11: In Conversation with Ben Rhodes

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“Everything is hyper-charged and everything seems to be moving faster, anger moves faster. I don’t think anybody has been able to figure out how to govern in that environment yet. “

On Wednesday, December 12th, Canada 2020 hosted a live event with Ben Rhodes in our Ottawa studio space. His Q&A with Jodi Butts, presented here, covers his new book, The World as It Is, his time as deputy national security advisor to Barack Obama, and transitioning into life after the White House.

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/Thread Episode 28: Geopolitical tensions, Goodbye Centre Block, and Oscar hosts

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“The fact that those two countries are in this kind of detente means that China’s not trying to put too much blame on the United States for the extradition, we’re taking more flack for it.”

Host Sarah Turnbull invites in Marie-Danielle Smith of the National Post and Murad Hemmadi of The Logic to discuss: the geopolitical tensions brewing between the U.S., China, and Canada caused initially by the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, saying goodbye to Parliament Hill’s Centre Block building for a decade-long renovation, and Kevin Hart’s decision to step down from hosting the Oscars.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 22: Centre Block, with Johanna Mizgala

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“It’s not like a museum where things are on display and visitors come and look, this is a collection in use.”

On this special episode of Explain Like I’m Five, host Aaron Reynolds visits Parliament Hill to speak with the Curator of the House of Commons Johanna Mizgala about the history and significance of the Centre Block building, shortly before it closes for a decade-long renovation.

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Quality Content Episode 14: Uncharted Territory, with Bruce Heyman

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“This is a moment in time where unfortunately people aren’t speaking up to the negative things that are happening out there or speaking up enough and I’m putting my voice forward.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, joins host Alex Paterson to discuss Trump’s impact on the Canada-U.S. allyship, and why he’s dedicated much of his time since leaving his post to preserving the relationship.

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