Wonk with Mike Episode 4: red underwear, with Justin Wolfers

The 2020 Network

“How much money do you want to bet that I’m wearing red underwear right now?”

Justin Wolfers is a Professor of Economics and a Professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan and a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He and Mike Moffatt sit down during the 5th Annual Canada 2020 Conference to discuss income’s relationship to happiness, what happens to students who take economics 101 and then never take another economics class, and more.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 3: beyond thunderdome, with Heather Boushey

The 2020 Network

“A rising tide may lift all boats, but some boats will go aground”

Mike Moffatt is joined in the Interac studio by Heather Boushey, the executive director and chief economist at the Washington Centre for Equitable Growth. Heather and Mike talk about the inequality of income growth, how monopolies have changed, and the relationship between parental income and the child’s likelihood to get a patent later in life.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 2: techlash, with Rana Sarkar

The 2020 Network

“These phones in your pocket are literally rewiring the way you relate to the world”

Rana Sarkar is the Consul General of Canada in Northern California and Silicon Valley. He joins Mike Moffatt in the Interac studio to talk about Canada’s offensive and defensive interests in Silicon Valley, Internet privacy, techlash and brotocracy, and openness and diversity as a competitive advantage.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 1: 10,000 years of food, with Dominic Barton

The 2020 Network

“You know, they didn’t need a free trade agreement, they just did it.”

Dominic Barton is a busy guy. Not only is he on Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s speed dial, serving as Chair of the Council for Economic Growth, he’s also the global managing partner of McKinsey & Company. What’s heavy on Dominic’s mind lately is what he calls Canada’s agri-food destiny – and how we need to seize on our massive endowment of land, resources and innovative people. Dominic joins Mike Moffatt in the Interac Studio for the very first episode of Wonk With Mike on the 2020 Network.

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The 2020 Network

The 2020 Network, presented by Interac, is a single-subscribe podcast channel home to multiple shows dedicated to the #cdnpoli nerd in us all. The network features smart, curious, and entertaining conversations that go deeper than the headlines.

Subscribe today

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Current Shows

@Risk with Jodi Butts

Do you really value something if you’re not thinking about what can take it away? @Risk, a new show from the 2020 Network hosted by Jodi Butts, seeks to help us better protect the things we care most about during these dynamic and challenging times. From finances, education, healthcare, privacy, climate and more, Jodi and her guests take an in-depth look at diminishing the threats and amplifying the resilience of our businesses, our progress and daily lives.

Open to Debate with David Moscrop

Smart, witty, and thoughtful political conversations that break from the limits of the 24-hour news cycle and the 280 character limit. Listeners will come away with a deeper understanding of the history and implications of the issues that shape us and our environment, anchored in discussions about public policy, and supported by research. Open to Debate is a space for agreeable disagreement based on the belief that such exchanges are essential to the health of our democracy.

The Recovery Project

The Recovery Project is dedicated to charting the economic road to recovery from COVID-19. Featuring leading economists, strategists and thinkers, we explore solutions on how to confront the economic impacts of this pandemic, and lay the groundwork for long-term recovery. Founded by Canada 2020, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Democracy and Global Progress, The Recovery Project is an international coalition designed to address the growing impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the global economy, and start conversations about recovery. Learn more at www.recoveryproject.org

Quality Content

Hosted by Alex Paterson, Quality Content spends time with the people shaping Canadian culture through music, art, activism, politics, and much more. These are leaders you may already know and others you should get to know. Grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy a wholesome chat.

2020 Live

Can’t be in the room for a Canada 2020 event? We’ve got you covered. This podcast houses some of our favourite moments from conference archives captured and cut for your feeds. It’s the next best thing to physically being there.

Past Shows

Explain Like I’m Five

ELI5 is hosted by @effinbirds’ Aaron Reynolds. This show asks participants to unpack complex topics into more accessible terms. From cryptocurrencies, to gun law in Canada, to machine learning, to Brexit and more, ELI5 is a fun, informative show for a Canadian audience.


Hosted by Sarah Turnbull, /Thread is our weekly wrap-up panel show featuring journalists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. This trio puts it all out on the table, breaking down the top news headlines of the week. We do the work so you don’t have to.

Wonk with Mike

This show is retired now. Wonk with Mike dove deep into the world of economics, statistics, and the nitty-gritty, number-crunching world of policy development in Canada. With regular appearances from the #cdnecon Twitter crowd, Wonk With Mike gave context to the numbers behind Canada’s biggest policy challenges. You can still access old episodes on our feeds.