/Thread 35: The Globe and Mail’s bombshell report, SOTU, and ‘Thank God For Canada!’

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“There is a distinction between what is allowed, what is proper, and what is desirable for politicians…people aren’t behaving like obviously innocent people.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists David Reevely of The Canadian Press and Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s. Topics include: The Globe and Mail’s scathing report that puts the PMO in the spotlight for allegedly pressuring the former AG to intervene in the SNC-Lavalin case, the main themes out of the State of the Union address, and the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof’s latest op-ed ‘Thank God For Canada.’

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2020 Live Episode 12: In Conversation with Sarada Peri

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“Populism fundamentally is more about rhetoric than ideology. Put it another way, populism is a thin ideology.”

On Wednesday, January 30th, Canada 2020, alongside the Ryerson Leadership Lab, welcomed former senior speech writer to President Barack Obama, Sarada Peri to Ottawa for a discussion about today’s current political climate both in the U.S. and Canada, how to respond to the rise of populism, and her experiences working alongside the former commander in chief.

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Quality Content Episode 17: Sick Not Weak, with Michael Landsberg

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“[Bell Let’s Talk] is not one day a year, it’s not one week a year, it’s not one month a year. It’s a constant battle to try to give people the benefit of hearing someone talk about an illness that maybe they suffer from and maybe they’re ashamed of.”

Host Alex Paterson is joined by Michael Landsberg, veteran sports journalist and current host of First Up with Landsberg and Colaiacovo and former host of Off the Record on TSN. The two discuss Landsberg’s experiences with mental illness, his dedication to the cause, and why he chooses to speak out, not just on Bell Let’s Talk day, but every day.

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Canada 2020 welcomes new Senior Fellow, David McInnes

David is leading the Canada Food Brand Project with the support of Canada 2020 staff, and a dedicated advisory group representing our partners and experts in the field.

CANADA 2020 is thrilled to announce that David McInnes will be joining the organization as a Senior Fellow.
David is leading The Canada Food Brand Project, a new collaborative research initiative aimed at giving policymakers, industry leaders and stakeholders the tools they need to seize Canada’s agri-food potential.
This project will focus on how best to support Canada’s trusted food brand in the domestic and global marketplace. Through a series of dialogues, Canada 2020 will also consider how “the brand” can encourage collaboration and frame policy choices – culminating in our National Forum in November 2019.

With Canada’s natural advantages, leading practices and positive reputation, it is time to affirm what stands behind the Canada food brand.” 

– David McInnes, Senior Fellow at Canada 2020.

About David McInnes

As Principal of DMci Strategies, David is a strategic advisor, speaker and facilitator on change and opportunity facing the global food system. He is also a Contributing Editor of The Economist Intelligence Unit, and an Advisor to the Delegation of Canada for the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. He is the former President & CEO of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute and is the former Chair of WaterAid Canada and Trustee of London-based WaterAid International, an NGO.

David has held executive positions with MDS Nordion, a global supplier of medical isotopes, and has worked at the Canadian Bankers Association, Scotiabank and the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada. David is a published author and graduate of the London School of Economics and Dalhousie University.

Follow David on Twitter at @DMciStrategies

/Thread Episode 34: MPs back to business, fighting election interference, and Howard Schultz’s possible presidential bid

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“[This plan] is really set up well if we face the exact same threats the Americans did in 2016…but I think we’re probably going to face new stuff this time, some of it the government really can’t protect us from.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press to break down the week that was. Topics include: The ongoing China dispute and other Question Period chatter, the federal government’s plan to stop electoral interference and fake news in the lead up to the October election, and former Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz hint at a 2020 presidential run.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 27: Ambassadorship, with Colin Robertson

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“Our embassies and our high commissions are responsible for the whole of government relationship with the host country…It’s the political relationship we may have with them, it’s the trade relationship we have with them.”

Colin Robertson, former Canadian diplomat and current Vice President and Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain what the work of an ambassador looks like, their role on the international stage, and the fine line between politics and diplomacy.

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Quality Content Episode 16: The Next 22, with Scott Brison

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“I’m very thankful to Canada and I feel like I’m very lucky to be part of this generation, in this country. There are few places where a family like mine would be embraced both in a community but also in the public realm.”

Host Alex Paterson sits down with longtime Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison to chat about his decision to retire from public service after 22 years in politics, representing the riding of Kings-Hants. The two reflect on the ups and downs of his journey, the importance of legislators in Canadian society, and what he hopes to achieve in his next phase of life.

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/Thread Episode 33: Extradition messaging, Canada’s new food guide, and Oscar nominations

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“There’s a reasonable argument to be made that the Liberals weren’t particularly surprised by McCallum saying this because it’s not uncommon – and we’ve seen this before with the Liberals – to send somebody out to test a message that may or may not be popular.”

BuzzFeed’s Elamin Abdelmahmoud and Vocal Fry Studios’ Vicky Mochama join host Sarah Turnbull at Toronto’s Lakeview Diner to talk about the mixed messages surrounding Meng Wanzhou’s extradition, Canada’s new food guide, and the nominations for the 91st Academy Awards.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 26: Brexit, with Lauren Dobson-Hughes

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“If you drew a flowchart, it would take up six rooms and have four million different options. So if anyone tells you they know what’s going to happen at this point, I’d call them on that. “

Political strategist Lauren Dobson-Hughes joins Aaron Reynolds to explain Brexit: how it happened, the looming deadlines, and why it’s been so complicated to negotiate.

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