/Thread Episode 15: Notwithstanding motivations, Max’s new party, and pot at the border

The 2020 Network

“Can the constitution withstand political actors who don’t respect it?”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Mike Moffatt and Aaron Reynolds for a look back at the week that was. Topics include: understanding Premier Ford’s use of the notwithstanding clause, with special guest Vanessa MacDonnell; Max Bernier’s political party branding; and pot regulations at the U.S.-Canada border.

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Quality Content Episode 9: Design[ing] Canada, with Greg Durrell

The 2020 Network

“Often times, the best graphic design works so well that we don’t even realize it’s there.”

Host Alex Paterson is joined by designer and filmmaker Greg Durrell, whose documentary film Design Canada celebrates the golden era of Canadian graphic design, to discuss how symbols and illustrations continue to define Canada’s cultural identity.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 15: NAFTA: It’s Not Over Until It’s Over, with Peter Clark

The 2020 Network

“Lighthizer doesn’t like anybody passing judgement on his wins. He doesn’t want his wins to be temporary, he wants them to be permanent.”

Peter Clark, one of Canada’s most active international trade practitioners, joins host Mike Moffatt to discuss the looming NAFTA deadline, which industries will be impacted most by a new deal, and Canada’s role in creating a new automotive solution.

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/Thread Episode 14: Trade negotiations, NYT op-ed reaction, and Nike’s Just Do It campaign

The 2020 Network

“I found the op-ed interesting to read, a fascinating read, but I also felt a bit betrayed by the process…to me it seemed a bit like journalistic gamesmanship.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Sarah Goldfeder, principle at Earnscliffe Strategy Group and expert in U.S.-Canada trade relations, and Kelsey Johnson, iPolitics agriculture and trade reporter, to discuss the news of the week. Topics include: Inching towards a revised NAFTA deal, the anonymous New York Times op-ed by a top Trump adviser, and Nike’s Just Do it campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick.

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Explain like I’m Five Episode 11: Clean Tech, with Leah Lawrence

The 2020 Network

“Clean tech 4.0 will be this ability and democratization to really understand more locally what bigger environmental challenges mean.”

Leah Lawrence, president and CEO of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain what clean technology looks like in 2018.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 14: The Power of Mayors, with Kate Graham

The 2020 Network

“I am a big believer in the power and autonomy of local government in Canada.”

Host Mike Moffatt is joined by Kate Graham, PhD candidate studying the role and power of mayors in Canada’s urban centres. The two discuss the changing nature of the job, getting women more involved in local politics, and upcoming municipal elections.

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Canada 2020 Labour Mobility Policy Lab

Canada 2020 Policy Lab

The GTA and other areas of the country have an immediate need for skilled workers for the construction industry.

At the same time, many talented Canadians across the country remain unemployed or underemployed.

That’s why Canada 2020 is convening another Policy Lab, this time dedicate to Labour Mobility in Canada – and applications for you to attend are now open.
The three questions we’re asking are :

  1. Where in Canada are there available workers who, potentially with some additional training, could fill the skill shortages plaguing the construction industry in the GTA and elsewhere in Canada?
  2. What are the bottlenecks preventing those workers from taking those jobs?
  3. How can the federal government best address those bottlenecks to increase the number of skilled Canadian workers from outside the GTA taking jobs in the region?

Apply now to be part of the Canada 2020 Policy Lab on Labour Mobility.
You can also email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
What is a Policy Lab?
Canada 2020 Policy Labs are invitation-only meetings between policymakers, key stakeholders, and subject matter experts.
Their intent is to leave the politics behind, by creating an open space for sharing information and perspectives.
The goals of a Policy Lab are to make connections between the participants, to share information and resources, and to make progress on complex public policy issues affecting Canadians.
You can see examples of the outputs of past Policy Labs here.

Explain like I’m Five Episode 10: The Phoenix Pay System, with Auditor General Michael Ferguson

The 2020 Network

“Another recommendation about another policy or another procedure – is that really going to solve this? That’s my biggest concern. I fundamentally feel that there is something more cultural at play that allowed Phoenix to happen.”

Canada’s Auditor General Michael Ferguson joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain the role of the Auditor General and what went wrong with the Phoenix pay system.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 13: There’s No Science Behind That, with Dr. Andrew Samis

The 2020 Network

“Why are we focusing on meat and dairy? It doesn’t make sense. The science isn’t there. It only makes sense to me if there’s some other agenda.”

Host Mike Moffatt is joined by Kingston-based surgeon and critical care specialist Dr. Andrew Samis to talk about the flawed research behind Health Canada’s proposed changes to Canada’s food guide.

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