Announcement: Bruce Heyman to Join Canada 2020

A message from Canada 2020 President, Tom Pitfield

Friends –

Tomorrow, we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.
It’s a proud moment for our country, and an opportunity to celebrate our unique national identity.
And like many milestones, it’s also a time to reflect.
It’s what we have been doing a lot of here at Canada 2020. Last June, we celebrated our own birthday, marking 10 years since our founding conference in Mont Tremblant.
In that time, our small but mighty organization has worked hard to inject new ideas and people from around the world into the Canadian policy community.
In fact, we are now seeing more interest in Canada than ever from our progressives friends around the world – all of them looking to understand more about our country and what we have built as Canadians: a strong democracy, a deep respect for the environment, a shared commitment to inclusive prosperity, and a fundamental belief in human rights, to name a few.
As we begin to think about what’s next for Canada 2020, we wanted to look specifically at our place in the world among similar global organizations. After all, there has never been a better time to be Canadian. In order to do that, we decided to recruit someone to help — I’m happy to announce that we’ve found just the right person.

Canada 2020 is pleased to welcome Bruce A. Heyman, former U.S. Ambassador to Canada to our organization starting July 1, 2017.

His mandate is to help Canada 2020 build on its past in order to become a truly global organization. Throughout the summer and into the fall, he will be leading an effort with our board, advisors and staff to position Canada 2020 for the next 10 years, and beyond. He’ll help us think through our organization’s vision, mission, and yes, even branding (2020 is fast approaching, after all).
For those that know Bruce, you know how much he loves this country. During his time as Ambassador to Canada from the U.S., both he and his amazing partner Vicki put their unique stamp on the traditional role of diplomat. Their love of Canada, their enthusiasm for our values, and their passion for our people from coast to coast to coast is inspiring and contagious.
And that’s precisely why we at Canada 2020 are so excited to work with someone like Bruce Heyman.
If you would like to help me welcome Bruce to the organization, or to share some of your ideas about Canada 2020’s future, click here.
Friends, I couldn’t be happier about this news, and on the eve of Canada’s big day, I couldn’t be more optimistic about Canada 2020’s opportunity to take its place on the world stage.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Canada Day!
Tom Pitfield
Canada 2020

What is “Open Dialogue” and is it a solution to post-fact populism? The Open Government Papers, Vol. 2

This is the second in The Open Government Papers series by Don Lenihan. To read volume one, click here.

“An important paper that convincingly sets up open dialogue as the most effective answer to populism. A must-read for policy-makers who want governments to make better decisions.” – Graham Fox, IRPP
“This is an insightful, provocative, and important contribution to the current discourse about dialogue and informed participation…” – Dr. Bruce Gilbert, President International Association for Public Participation (Canada)
“Governments need to flip the script on how we view citizen engagement… Lenihan reveals a path forward and takes an important step for open government practitioners.” – Nick Scott, Executive Director, Open Government and Innovation, Government of New Brunswick

In What is Open Dialogue?, Don Lenihan draws on a year-long discussion with governments and stakeholders across Canada to describe how they are using deliberative dialogue to promote evidence-based decision-making, transparency, and citizen engagement. Lenihan then goes on to define a new “hybrid” process he sees emerging from these activities, something he calls Informed Participation. It not only promises a new chapter in the practice of engagement, but a way to respond to the “post-fact” populism now sweeping much of Europe and North American.
This paper will interest experts and non-experts, as it provides an accessible but critical overview of current thinking and practice on engagement in Canada.

Advisory: World-class speakers descending on Ottawa for Canada 2020 Conference

Fourth Annual Canada 2020 Conference set to feature Sir Richard Branson, Brian Mulroney, Bill Morneau, Harjit Sajjan, Michele Romanow, Kathleen Wynne, Liz Plank, Emily Haines, David Frum + more
13 June 2017 (Ottawa) – The 4th Annual Canada 2020 Conference is set to draw world-class speakers like Richard Branson, Liz Plank, David Frum, Michele Romanow and Anand Giridharadas to Canada’s capital for two days of panels, keynotes and special presentations about artificial intelligence, the future of work, the state of the media, supporting entrepreneurs, and more.
As Canada’s leading public policy convener, Canada 2020’s annual conference is the place to be for smart, forward-looking conversation about government, policy and Canada’s future. The event, happening June 14 to 16 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, will focus on the theme of unprecedented transformation:
“We’re seeing massive transformations to the way we work, the way we get our news, the way we cooperate with our global partners, and more,” said Tim Barber, one of Canada 2020’s Co-Founders. “This year’s Canada 2020 conference is all about how an open, progressive and engaged government can and should respond to these massive shifts – and how citizens can get more involved in the process.”

  • What: The 4th Annual Canada 2020 Conference
  • Host: Canada 2020
  • Dates: June 14 – 16, 2017
  • Where: Shaw Centre, Ottawa
  • Agenda:
  • Speakers
    • Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group
    • Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Former Prime Minister of Canada
    • Hon. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance
    • Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence
    • Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
    • Ty Cobb, Global Director, Human Rights Campaign
    • David Frum, Senior Editor, The Atlantic
    • Liz Plank, Senior Producer, Vox Media
    • Anand Giridharadas, New York Times Columnist
    • Emily Haines, Lead Singer, Metric
    • Bernie Meyerson, Chief Innovation Officer, IBM
    • + more, full list here

Media will be equipped with risers, feedboxes, workstations and wi-fi, as well as access to all conference sessions. Media availability with speakers are available on a case-by-case basis.
Media contact:
Alex Paterson, Director of Communications, Canada 2020, [email protected] | (613) 793-8234
For accreditation, please email [email protected] with the subject line ‘ACCREDITATION’

Des conférenciers de calibre mondial débarquent à Ottawa lors de la conférence de Canada 2020

Sir Richard Branson, Brian Mulroney, Bill Morneau, Harjit Sajjan, Kathleen Wynne, Liz Plank, Emily Haines et David Frum, entre autres conférenciers, participeront à la quatrième conférence annuelle de Canada 2020
13 juin 2017 (Ottawa) – Des orateurs de calibre mondial sont attendus à la quatrième conférence annuelle de Canada 2020, notamment Liz Plank, David Frum et Anand Giridharadas. La conférence prévue sur deux jours comportera des panels de discussion, des discours liminaires et des exposés spéciaux sur l’intelligence artificielle, l’avenir de l’emploi, l’état actuel des médias, le soutien aux entrepreneurs, et bien plus encore.
À titre de plaque tournante canadienne en matière de politiques publiques, Canada 2020 organise à nouveau sa conférence annuelle où se tiendra un débat intelligent, tourné vers l’avenir au sujet de l’avenir des gouvernements, de la politique publique et du Canada. L’événement se tiendra du 14 au 16 juin au Centre Shaw d’Ottawa et sera axé sur le thème de la transformation inédite :
“Nous constatons des transformations de grande envergure notamment dans la manière dont nous travaillons, dont nous consommons l’actualité et dont nous collaborons avec nos partenaires à l’échelle mondiale” affirme Tim Barber, cofondateur de Canada 2020. “La conférence de Canada 2020 de cette année est centrée sur l’intervention d’un gouvernement ouvert, progressiste et impliqué par rapport à ces grands changements de paradigme — et sur la participation accrue des citoyens à ces procédés.”

  • Événement: La 4e conférence annuelle de Canada 2020
  • Organisé par Canada 2020
  • Dates: 14 – 16 juin 2017
  • Lieu: Centre Shaw, Ottawa
  • Ordre du jour:
  • Conférenciers:
    • Sir Richard Branson, foundateur, Virgin Group
    • Le très Hon. Brian Mulroney, ancien premier ministre du Canada
    • L’hon. Bill Morneau, ministre des Finances
    • L’hon. Harjit Sajjan, ministre de la Défense nationale
    • L’hon. Kathleen Wynne, première ministre de l’Ontario
    • Ty Cobb, Global Director, Human Rights Campaign
    • David Frum, rédacteur principal, The Atlantic
    • Liz Plank, productrice principale, Vox Media
    • Anand Giridharadas, chroniqueur au New York Times
    • Emily Haines, chanteuse principale, Metric
    • Bernie Meyerson, chef de l’innovation, IBM
    • & plus, consultez la liste complète

Des présentoirs, podiums et postes de travail avec wi-fi seront mis à la disposition des membres des médias, qui auront également accès à toutes les séances de la conférence. La disponibilité des conférenciers auprès des médias sera déterminée au cas par cas.
Renseignements aux médias :
Alex Paterson, directeur des communications, Canada 2020, [email protected] | 613-793-8234
Les demandes d’accréditation doivent être adressées par courriel à [email protected] avec la mention ‘ACCRÉDITATION’ en objet.

The Rise of Civil Analytics: How Big Data is About to Explode Policymaking As We Know It

“In the post-fact era of mistrustful populism here is a compelling case for governments to double down on evidence, Big Data and predictive analytics. Lenihan and Pitfield argue that “civil analytics” holds the alluring promise of delivering powerful cures for today’s most wicked policy problems. It is a promise of effective, value-for- money government that everyone should welcome.”

Giles Gherson
Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development + Growth Ontario

How Big Data is about to Explode Policymaking as We Know It is the first of a series of papers Canada 2020 will release on data and policymaking. In it, Tom Pitfield and Don Lenihan explain the shifts that will occur thanks to massive amounts of high quality data and a new capacity for data analytics. Using the right analytics tools, and involving the right leaders, could be considered an answer to the postfact politics that seem to be rising up all around us.
Civil Analytics, as Pitfield and Lenihan have defined the term, is a holistic approach to data, the tools that can be used to analyze it, and the various people who should be engaged to examine it. As agencies and individuals with various interests are included in the process of understanding the data and creating policies, they will feel a greater ownership over them, which results in easier adoption.
Pitfield and Lenihan have big things to say about history, technology and politics, and this essay should be of interest to anyone watching where policy is going and what big trends are on the horizon.
Download Paper

Six Examples of Inclusive Innovation in the 2017 Federal Budget

Canada 2020 released Volume One of its Innovation Project Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada in February, 2017. Its authors, Mike Moffatt, Hannah Rasmussen and David Watters examined innovation in Canada through various sectors, and how to measure it. Moffatt and Rasmussen developed Ten Big Ideas to Drive Innovation in Canada.
In writing this volume, Moffatt and Rasmussen wrote that their mission is:
“to increase innovation in Canada by creating a set of Big Ideas, which, if enacted, would have measurable results, whose benefits would be well understood, and that would increase the economic well-being and personal autonomy of the middle class and those working hard to join it.”
With this mission in mind, we examined the government of Canada’s 2017 federal budget and found six examples of inclusive innovation.


From the budget:
Successful cover3clusters like the ones in Silicon Valley, Berlin, Tel Aviv and the Toronto-Waterloo corridor contribute significantly to both regional and national economies.
Budget 2017 proposes to invest up to $950 million over five years, starting in 2017–18, to be provided on a competitive basis in support of a small number of business-led innovation superclusters that have the greatest potential to accelerate economic growth. The competition will launch in 2017 and focus on superclusters that enhance Canada’s global competitiveness by focusing on highly innovative industries such as clean technology, advanced manufacturing, digital technology, health/bio-sciences, clean resources and agri-food, as well as infrastructure and transportation.
Our Analysis:
This is an interesting idea – in Towards an Innovative, Inclusive Canada, Moffatt and Rasmussen were also thinking about driving innovation through superclusters. They suggested that academia and research could play a role in driving innovation. In one of their Ten Big Ideas to Drive Innovation in Canada, they proposed creating research clusters of knowledge in universities. Here is their recommendation:
The federal government should fund the creation of a network of cluster research centres across the country at universities within the geographic area of the cluster that would be required to provide a yearly set of deliverables to maintain their funding.
In addition, Moffatt and Rasmussen suggested thickening labour markers in medium-sized cities, outside of major urban centres and clusters like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. They suggested the government had an opportunity to grow clusters in medium-sized cities which would allow for the emergence of clusters in these cities.


From the 2017 Budget:
To support the continued growth of Canada’s innovative companies, Budget 2017 proposes to make available up to an additional $400 million through the Business Development Bank of Canada on a cash basis over three years, beginning in 2017–18, for a new Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative that will increase late-stage venture capital available to Canadian entrepreneurs (late-stage venture capital is typically offered to young, established businesses with sales and revenue, in order to help the businesses grow).
With funds leveraged from the private sector, and depending on the proposals received, this investment could inject around $1.5 billion into Canada’s innovation capital market.
Our analysis:
As we traveled the country for our research groups, one comment we heard repeatedly was a lack of Canadian investment by way of venture capital for Canadian companies.
However, there is another side to investment in Canada’s emerging companies, and that is cultural. One participant in our Financial Services roundtable in Toronto talked about the cultural barrier to innovation – that is an adversity to taking risks.
Following our Financial Services roundtable in July 2016, Moffatt wrote in our innovation report, “A concern was raised that Canadian investors and managers may be too risk averse to be full participants in a highly innovative industry. As one participant put it, “[In Canadian MBA programs] there’s not a lot on how to take risk … . In [New York], the mentality of grads out of the U.S. is to take risks. There’s an acceptance that if you do that and fail that’s OK. In Canada, there’s stigma around failure.”
A suggestion was made that foreign investors from countries with higher appetites for risk, such as China, may be able to fill some of the financial (but not necessarily managerial) gaps.
It’s Canada 2020’s hope that the additional $400M outlined in the government’s federal budget will spur investment from other sectors also.


From the 2017 Federal budget:
In recognition of the importance of research excellence and in celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary, approximately 25 Canada 150 Research Chairs will be created to attract top-tier international scholars and researchers to Canada and enhance Canada’s reputation as a global centre for innovation, science and research excellence. Budget 2017 proposes to invest $117.6 million over eight years for these new chairs, funded with resources within the existing Canada Excellence Research Chairs program.
Our analysis:
As part of their 10 Big Ideas to Drive Innovation in Canada, Moffatt and Rasmussen created the concept of a ‘Canada 150 Goals’ and ‘Canada 150 Prizes.’
They wrote that innovative thinking can solve some of the more difficult social and economic problems the country faces, such as a lack of safe drinking water and substandard housing on First Nations reserves, a persistently large gender wage gap and growing rates of fentanyl and other opioid addiction.
The suggested the use of goals and prizes, which we have adapted from both the XPrize Foundation and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
Their Recommendation was that the federal government identify a set of measurable national goals, the Canada 150 Goals. In addition, the federal government should create a set of Canada 150 Prizes, with large cash prizes for projects that will help meet these goals.


From the budget:
As announced in the 2016 Fall Economic Statement, the Government will launch a Global Skills Strategy to facilitate faster access to top global talent for companies doing business in Canada that are committing to bring new skills to Canada and create more Canadian jobs.
The Global Skills Strategy will set an ambitious two-week standard for processing visas and work permits for global talent.
Building on funding announced in the 2016 Fall Economic Statement, Budget 2017 proposes to provide an additional $7.8 million over two years, starting in 2017–18, to implement a new Global Talent Stream under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, as part of the Global Skills Strategy.
Also under the Global Skills Strategy, the Government will introduce a new work permit exemption for short-duration work terms. The short-duration work permit exemption will apply for work terms of fewer than 30 days in a year—or for brief academic stays—and will be used for short-term, inter-company work exchanges, study exchanges or the entrance of temporary expertise.
Our Analysis:
Participants at our Financial Services roundtable noted the difficulty of bringing in foreign expertise in their sector. Indeed, we were told that if there are talent (or cultural) gaps in the system, immigration might offer an answer.
However, one roundtable participant noted that it takes so long to bring executive-level talent into Canada under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program that a candidate will have typically moved on to other opportunities by the time their application is approved.
Canada 2020 is happy to see that continued improvements have been made to this program, and hopes that it will bring more talent into Canada in the future.


From the budget:
Budget 2017 supports innovation in key growth industries—clean technology, digital and agri-food—with new measures that will improve access to financing, encourage investment, support the demonstration of technologies and build the capacity necessary for Canadians to take advantage of growth opportunities and create good, well-paying jobs.
Budget 2017 includes a particular focus on the clean technology sector, proposing more than $2.2 billion, on a cash basis, to support clean technology research, development, demonstration and adoption as well as to accelerate the growth of clean technology companies. This includes making available nearly $1.4 billion in new financing on a cash basis over three years, starting in 2017–18, through the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada.
Our analysis:
Moffatt writes in Canada 2020’s report Towards and Inclusive, Innovative Canada that Canada is one of the world’s leaders in the production and use of renewable energy. In 2012, renewable energy represented 17 per cent of Canada’s total energy supply. This was a dramatic increase from a decade earlier. In addition to supplying Canadians with electricity, renewables play an important role in our trade with the U.S. Several provinces are net exporters of hydro-generated electricity to the U.S.
Members of Canada 2020’s Clean Technology and Renewables roundtable, held in August, 2016 in Vancouver, would likely applaud this financial support, but would probably re-iterate the need to grow companies beyond the initial stages.
One participant at our roundtable felt that government financing programs were quite useful for the ear¬ly stages of product development, but not for obtaining financing for commercialization. He said that “Sustainable Development Technology Canada is terrific for early stage innovation,” and cited government support through the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive, the National Research Council Canada, the Industrial Research Assistance Program, and others.
“There’s a lot of baked-in support before it gets to commercialization. There is help from the public sector to get across the ‘valley of death.’” he said. Then he added, “But when you get to the first market entrant, there is not a lot of debt financing or private capital. These companies are light on assets, so banks won’t lend to them. So companies, even if they do make it across the ‘valley of death,’ do not have the necessary assets or financing to commercialize.”
From the budget:
To ensure that young Canadians are well prepared for the way digital technologies will impact future jobs all across the labour market, Budget 2017 will invest $50 million over two years to support organizations delivering digital skills training to girls and boys from kindergarten to grade 12.
Our analysis:
In Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada, Moffatt and Rasmussen suggest that early education include numeracy, before moving to digital skills and coding. As one of their 10 Big Ideas to Drive Innovation in Canada, Big Idea 7 is to Create a National Numeracy program that introduces numeracy skills in early childhood education.
They quote a 2012 study by the Conference Board of Canada that found that 55 per cent of Canadian adults had inadequate numeracy skills. Also, inadequate numeracy skills are higher in marginalized groups, such as Aboriginal people in Canada and immigrants. A person with inadequate numeracy skills may be unable to function well in an innovative Canada as low numeracy skills are linked to unemployment, low wages and poor health.
Moffatt and Rasmussen write, “Poor numeracy is a massive challenge for Canada’s innovation agenda and our goal of encouraging economically inclusive innovations.
The goal for this big idea is to build on measures proposed and/or put in place by other countries struggling with the same numeracy issues in order to eradicate inadequate numeracy among adults and children, and to create more positive attitudes towards numeracy in Canadian society.”

Download Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada

Malmström: Progressive Trade Policy in a More Protectionist World

Cecilia Malmstrom
The following is the full text of a speech given by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom on CETA, the EU and Canada and progressive trade at a Canada 2020 event on March 21, 2017.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Je vous remercie pour l’amitié européo-canadienne et je suis heureuse d’être là.
It is indeed important to be here. In an age when rising populism and protectionism poses a threat to our open societies, there has never been a more important time to defend progressive trade policy.
Today I’d like to talk about what we mean by that; and how Canada and the EU can be partners in pursuing it.
Canada and Europe see eye-to-eye on many issues. We have a similar philosophy on domestic issues, such as the need to provide and protect public healthcare. We face common challenges, such as climate change or terrorism. Something we will remember tomorrow, the anniversary of the terror attacks which struck Brussels, the city where I live.
Yet our relations have long been defined by commerce. Many of the earliest settlers here were attracted by the spoils of trade. Beaver furs were sought after in Europe and exchanged for the European manufactured goods that were much in demand here.
This trade opened up the incentive to explore the new continent and help its nascent economy develop and grow.
It even found its way into the language: the name “Ottawa” itself, the city and the river which flows from the mountains of Québec, may come from the Algonquin word for “trade”.
Today, trade – in products, services, ideas – is still a way of engaging with the wider world, to mutual benefit; engaging for peace, prosperity and progress. This is the vision we put forward in our trade for all strategy: responsible trade policy that is effective, transparent and based on values. It is the vision we are taking forward as we pursue a progressive trade policy, in a programme of over 20 trade negotiations.
The EU and Canada are natural allies. The EU is the world’s biggest trader and is Canada’s second biggest trading partner.
To the EU, you sell over 40 billion Canadian dollars’ worth of goods from agriculture to zinc not to mention 17 billion in services like engineering or finance.
And from the EU you buy products and services of all kinds: medicines from Belgium, tulips from The Netherlands and hockey pucks from Slovakia.
Beyond trade, we also share many values: democracy, the rule of law, and the right of governments to provide public services such as healthcare.
The EU-Canada deal we have just agreed, known as CETA, ends 99% of tariffs, opens up markets like services, and public procurement and supports investors.
Now that we have completed ratification at EU level, the provisional application of CETA is imminent. And there are benefits for both sides.
Each extra tariff reduction, each extra bit of market access, means on one side, an exporting company that can compete; and, on the other side, a consumer — or a business, or a public authority — who gets a better deal.
A shopper seeing lower prices on the supermarket shelves. A business that can compete better in global value chains. A health service that can pay less for its supplies or a public authority that can buy more efficient clean technology to fight climate change.
Meanwhile, every extra investment by a European company in Canada can help a European company to grow while creating jobs over here.
EU-owned affiliates already employ nearly 400,000 workers in Canada. To believe in progressive trade policy is to recognise trade can bring benefits for both sides.
But it must be responsible and sustainable. The fur trade that furnished Canada’s fortunes many centuries ago was ultimately not sustainable. The hunting of beavers for their fur made the animal endangered, while the struggle for control of supplies and hunting-grounds eventually led to all-out war.
Trade should not mean a race-to-the-bottom on standards, or come at the cost of the environment. The EU’s trade strategy Trade for All sets out how a responsible trade policy can be effective, sustainable, transparent, and based on values. In Europe, as in this country, people expect the food they eat, the products they buy, to be safe, and to meet democratically-set standards and rules.
So we have been clear that nothing in CETA will undermine those standards — or public services. Both parties can still use environmental or labour criteria in public procurement, if they want. Neither party can undercut or fail to implement labour or environmental standards merely to attract trade or investment. Public services stay public unless a municipality or province decides differently.
And we resolve investment disputes in an open court with qualified judges, avoiding the conflicts of interest that could in turn jeopardise the public interest.
More than just protecting standards, trade deals can promote them. CETA is an exemplar of what we can achieve here. In the EU-Canada trade deal, both parties agree to implement multilateral environmental agreements such as the Paris climate change deal as well as international labour rules on issues like equal pay, collective bargaining and employment discrimination.
They agree to promote sustainable forestry and fisheries alongside initiatives like corporate social responsibility, eco-labelling, fair trade, and recycling.
We take a similar approach with the rest of the world, promoting sustainability and good governance: in our bilateral talks when granting unilateral trade preferences and through our detailed work with countries like Myanmar and Bangladesh.
The success of CETA will help us take that agenda forward. It is a model for progressive trade that promotes values. A template to shape globalisation. As we seek open trade, we should ourselves be open. If anything gives trade policy a bad name, it’s secrecy.
But we have nothing to be ashamed of, as we act on behalf of our citizens. This is why we have started to publish as much as we can of the details of trade negotiations.
Why we include civil society both as we negotiate trade deals -to get their input and publishing detailed reports- and implement them.
Progressive trade policy should — must — be transparent. A truly progressive trade policy also recognises, and supports, those who are left behind. Over recent years, the labour market has seen significant changes. While some benefit, others see wages stagnate, or face unemployment. These changes are mainly caused by technology – but trade has also played a role.
We should help those who have not been able to adapt with infrastructure, education, training and skills. And this is an area where we – also in the EU – need to do more.
And finally, progressive trade policy means championing trade that is fair and rules-based. The multilateral framework of the World Trade Organisation, the WTO, has for a long time safeguarded global trade a power source for rising global prosperity that helps lift millions out of poverty, setting and defending those global rules we have jointly agreed upon.
Yet some recent rhetoric seems to put that in question. The US administration seems to favour bilateral relations over multilateralism. And some of the proposals we have seen floated, such as a border adjustment tax, could be at odds with WTO rules. Countries should be able to protect themselves from distortions and unfair trade practices. But that has to be done within the framework of the WTO. Global rules mean everyone playing fair, by a consistent, predictable and transparent rulebook.
That is why we want the upcoming WTO Ministerial in Buenos Aires to succeed, and are working with partners to achieve that success and to show that the multilateral organisation is still important.
That is why Canada and the EU are working together to take investment courts to the multilateral level. The response is positive – many countries want to work with us on this.
There is, sadly, nothing inevitable about progress. As Alice Munro put it, from the perspective of people in Victorian England, it must have been impossible not to believe that people would inevitably become more civilised, more rational, more humane, with humanity’s greatest mistakes behind it.
Yet the turbulence and terror of the twentieth century lay ahead. In the words of another famous Canadian: “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. We should not take any of these things for granted. We should fight to maintain the system that has guaranteed prosperity and progress.
Turning away from open trade, or the multilateral structures that underpin it, would come at great cost. Declining trade would cost jobs – 31 million of which in Europe depend on exports. Raising tariffs would put up consumer prices – particularly affecting the least well-off.
And rising protectionism could threaten the open societies and open economies that have brought freedom and opportunity to the people of Europe, Canada and the world. In an age when some want to rebuild walls, reimpose barriers, restrict people’s freedom to move we stand open to progressive trade with the world.
Between them, the EU and Canada account for almost one dollar in five of the world’s trade. And that we have agreed a new trade deal, our most ambitious and progressive ever, should send a powerful signal to the world. As other doors may be closing, ours will remain open.
This is a programme we are taking forward in over 20 negotiations: from Mexico to Japan, Mercosur to ASEAN, and others. And, if anything, we’ve seen partners giving more priority and more resources to these talks in recent months. By engaging with the world in this progressive trade policy, we can shape globalisation, rather than submitting to it.
We can make trade a vehicle for our values, protecting and promoting them. And we can safeguard the prosperity and progress, the freedom and opportunity that trade has brought.
The European Union is happy to have Canada as a partner in that struggle.
Thank you.

New paper details 10 Big Ideas for Canada’s innovation agenda

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New Canada 2020 paper Towards an Inclusive, Innovation Canada – Volume 1 available now

February 3, 2017 (Ottawa) – Canada 2020 has released volume one of its new paper, Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada – a part of the Canada 2020 Innovation Project. The report provides inspiration for the government’s innovation agenda, with 10 big ideas for how to improve Canada’s innovation performance.
The full report is available here (PDF) or at
The first volume in a new series from Canada 2020, Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada features contributions from Canada 2020 Senior Associate Mike Moffat as well as thought-leaders Hannah Rasmussen and David Watters.
“We know that to be competitive, Canada must innovate more — or risk being left behind,” said Mike Moffatt, Senior Associate at Canada 2020 and Director of the Lawrence Centre at Western University. “Our new Canada 2020 report does away with half-measures and offers the kind of big, bold swings that the government’s innovation agenda should be considering if we want to break from our traditionally mediocre innovation performance.”
Volume One opens a conversation about the game-changing ideas that will accelerate Canada’s innovation performance. Each idea is fully mapped out, detailing how they would work and who would be involved.  Some of the ideas include:

  • Establish a Parliamentary Coherence Officer
  • Create a set of Canada 150 Goals and Prizes
  • Push for a Canada-wide acceleration of numeracy skills
  • Reform labour markets, and create innovation accords between provinces
  • Create a financial matchmaker system to help coordinate financing and capital for startups
  • + more

Moffatt added: “Without an inclusive innovation agenda, we will see an economy that does not generate enough tax revenues to provide a quickly growing elderly population with adequate health care. We will see a growing divide between haves and have-nots as the economy fails to provide employment opportunities for all. We risk the rise of American- and British-style populism, as income growth and opportunities are limited to the well-connected, shutting out everyone from the city kid growing up in Toronto to the farm girl from Whalen Corners.”
Based on a series of roundtables, consultations and original research conducted across the country – from Halifax to Vancouver – Volume One eloquently captures Canada’s need to innovate, how to measure innovation, while also highlighting important goals we should keep in mind.
“If Canada is to become truly innovative, governments must have the courage to attempt new approaches,” said Hannah Rassmussen, one of the report’s authors and Director at Projection North. “Our hope is that these ideas will be seen as both the starting point of a larger conversation around innovation and an opportunity to think big about the ways we can make Canada a more innovative country.”
The Innovation Project is a living, evolving initiative housed at Canada 2020 with the goal of studying, debating and promoting the building blocks of what can and will make Canada more innovative country. Launched in June of 2016, Canada 2020 has hosted roundtables, consultations, and events large and small focused on Canada’s innovation agenda.
To keep up to date with Canada2020’s Innovation Project, please visit
For media requests, please contact alex[at]canada2020[dot]ca