Release: Canada 2020 and the Center for American Progress to host events with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during State Visit

RELEASE: Canada 2020 and the Center for American Progress to Host Event with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau During State Visit

Washington, D.C. – Canada 2020 and the Center for American Progress will host a series of special events in March with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his first state visit to the United States.
Canada 2020’s President and Co-Founder, Tom Pitfield, issued the following statement:

“Canada 2020 is thrilled to host Prime Minister Trudeau during his state visit to Washington, D.C. in March. Mr. Trudeau and his team have been partners and supporters of Canada 2020 since its inception ten years ago and have helped establish Canada 2020 as one of the nation’s leading progressive think thanks. We share the enthusiasm expressed by supporters around the globe for Mr. Trudeau and his refreshing brand of progressive leadership and we look forward to facilitating a continued dialogue with our friends and partners particularly in the U.S.”

Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden also issued the following statement:

“The Center for American Progress is delighted to host Prime Minister Trudeau during his state visit to Washington, D.C. next month. Mr. Trudeau has been a long-term ally of progressives in the United States, and he and his team have been engaged for many years in CAP’s work through the Global Progress network and the Inclusive Prosperity Commission. We are looking forward to strengthening these partnerships in the months and years to come, and to hearing the Prime Minister’s vision for the future of the global progressive movement.”

Canada 2020 and the Center for American Progress are members of Global Progress, a network of progressive think tanks and research entities aiming to advance progressive policies and leadership.
Full details of the events to follow in the coming weeks.


For more information from Canada 2020, contact Alex Paterson at [email protected] or (613) 793-8234

For more information from CAP, contact Tom Caiazza at [email protected] or (202) 481-7141

Canada 2020 is Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank. Founded in 2006, Canada 2020 produces original research, hosts events, and starts conversations about Canada’s future. Canada 2020’s goal is to build a community of progressive ideas and people that will move and shape governments. For more, visit

The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just and free America that ensures opportunity for all. We believe that Americans are bound together by a common commitment to these values and we aspire to ensure that our national policies reflect these values. We work to find progressive and pragmatic solutions to significant domestic and international problems and develop policy proposals that foster a government that is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

COMMUNIQUÉ : Canada 2020 et le Center for American Progress accueilleront le Premier ministre Trudeau à un événement durant sa visite d’État

Washington D.C. – Canada 2020 et le Center for American Progress organiseront une série d’événements spéciaux en mars avec le Premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau, durant sa première visite d’État aux États-Unis.
Le président et cofondateur de Canada 2020, Tom Pitfield, a fait la déclaration suivante :

« Canada 2020 est ravi d’accueillir le Premier ministre Trudeau durant sa visite d’État à Washington D.C. en mars. M. Trudeau et son équipe sont partenaires et partisans de Canada 2020 depuis sa création il y a dix ans et ont aidé Canada 2020 à devenir l’un des premiers organismes de réflexion indépendant au pays. Nous partageons l’enthousiasme exprimé à l’endroit de M. Trudeau par des sympathisants du monde entier et son leadership progressiste rafraîchissant et nous avons bien hâte de faciliter un dialogue continu avec nos amis et partenaires en particulier ici aux États-Unis. »

La présidente du Center for American Progress Neera Tanden a également fait la déclaration suivante :

« Le Center for American Progress est ravi d’accueillir le Premier ministre Trudeau durant sa visite d’État à Washington D.C. le mois prochain. M. Trudeau est depuis longtemps un allié des progressistes aux États-Unis, et il participe depuis plusieurs années avec son équipe aux travaux du CAP par le biais du réseau Global Progress et de la commission de la prospérité inclusive. Nous avons bien hâte de consolider ces discussions au cours des mois et des années à venir et de connaître la vision du Premier ministre pour l’avenir du mouvement progressiste mondial. »

Canada 2020 et le Center for American Progress sont membres du réseau Global Progress de centres d’études et de recherche visant à faire avancer les politiques et un leadership progressistes.
Les détails des activités seront diffusés au cours des semaines à venir.


Pour de plus amples renseignements sur Canada 2020, communiquez avec Alex Paterson à [email protected] ou 613-793-8234
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le CAP, communiquez avec Tom Caiazza à [email protected] ou 202-481-7141
Canada 2020 est le premier organisme de réflexion progressiste indépendant au Canada. Fondé en 2006, Canada 2020 produit des études de recherche inédites, organise des activités et entame un dialogue au sujet de l’avenir du Canada. L’objectif de Canada 2020 consiste à construire une communauté d’idées et de personnes progressistes qui influencent et façonnent les gouvernements. Pour en savoir plus, consultez
Le Center for American Progress est un institut de recherche et d’éducation indépendant non partisan qui a pour mission de promouvoir un pays solide, juste et libre qui offre des possibilités à tous. Nous estimons que les Américains sont liés par un engagement à l’égard de ces valeurs et nous aspirons à ce que nos politiques nationales illustrent ces valeurs. Nous collaborons à la recherche de solutions progressistes et pragmatiques à des problèmes nationaux et internationaux et nous élaborons des projets de politiques qui favorisent un gouvernement « régi par la loi du peuple, par le peuple et pour le peuple ».

Setting the New Progressive Agenda, Canada 2020’s new eBook

“A future worth shaping”

Canada 2020’s new eBook Setting the New Progressive Agenda is now available.
Download it for free right now on
(Available soon the iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Kindle stores)Setting the New Progressive Agenda
Edited by Robert Asselin, our Vice President of Policy & Research, our book covers – in detail – what we think our country needs right now: bold and innovative policy prescriptions for a more progressive Canada.
The authors and contributors that have put their names and ideas in this book are some of Canada’s most respected thought leaders. They offer brilliant insights on issues like democratic reform, open governmentsecurity and intelligence oversightprivacy in the digital age, carbon pricing and more.
As we head into Canada’s 42nd federal election, our book stands as a marker for the issues and ideas that the next federal government will need to meet, head on, in order to make Canada a more dynamic, prosperous and progressive country.

Table of Contents:

  • Public Policy in the 21st Century, by Don Lenihan & Robert Asselin

Introductory remarks from Tim Barber, Canada 2020

  • An Agenda for Democratic Reform, by Robert Asselin

Foreword by Donald Savoie, University of Moncton

  • Rebuilding Public Trust in Government: Open Government & Open Dialogue, by Don Lenihan & Carolyn Bennett, MP

Foreword by the Honourable Deb Matthews, MPP

  • Child Benefit Spending in Canada, by Lauren Jones, Mark Stabile, and Kevin Miligan

Foreword by Jennifer Robson

  • The Case for a Carbon Tax in Canada, by Nicholas Rivers

Foreword by Tom Rand, MaRS

  • Skills & Higher Education in Canada, by Daniel Munro

Foreword by Tom Pitfield, Canada 2020

  • Time for a National Infrastructure Plan for Canada, by John Brodhead, Jesse Darling and Sean Mullin

Foreword by David Dodge, O.C., Bennett Jones

  • Strengthening Canada’s Security & Intelligence Oversight, by Wesley Wark

Foreword by Anne McLellan, Dalhousie University

  • Privacy Protection in the Federal Public Service, by Chantal Bernier

Foreword by Michael Geist, University of Ottawa

  • A Canadian Foreign Policy for the Future, by Roland Paris

Foreword by Michael Kergin, Bennett Jones

Download Here: Setting the New Progressive Agenda

Release: Announcing Canada 2020’s New Advisory Board

2 February 2015 (OTTAWA) – Canada 2020 announced today five new additions to its Advisory Board, expanding the ranks to include new diverse and global perspectives.
“We are so thrilled to welcome five new members of our advisory board,” said Tim Barber, Co-Founder of Canada 2020. “With their guidance, Canada 2020 will adopt a more global outlook, engaging with networks of progressive policy thinkers and organizations operating both in Canada and around the world.”
Canada 2020’s Advisory Board welcomes:

  • Ruma Bose, UN Foundation
  • Jaime Watt, Navigator Ltd.
  • Kevin Chan, Facebook
  • Chris Smillie, Canada’s Building Trades Union
  • Rana Sarkar, KPMG

These five new members join an already thriving team of accomplished advisers. To view the full list, visit


For more information, please contact

Alex Paterson, Communications & Program Coordinator
(613) 793-8234 | [email protected]

Release: Canada 2020 named one of the leading “think tanks to watch” globally for second straight year

26 January 2015 (OTTAWA) – For the second year running, Canada 2020 has been named one of the leading think-tanks to watch globally by the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Go To Think Tank Index. Canada 2020 has also been named one of the Top 30 Think Tanks for the Canada and Mexico region.
The report, released late last week, is the culmination of a year’s worth of research, nominations and voting by over 3,500 members of the global academic and think tank community. The resulting report chronicles and ranks every think tank of note from every region around the world.
“Canada 2020 is once again honoured and humbled to be ranked alongside such impressive company,” said Tim Barber, Canada 2020’s Co-Founder. “Since 2006, we have been hard at work building a progressive community of people and ideas, and awards like this let us know we’re on the right track. 2014 was a banner year for our organization – we produced more original research than ever before, we convened the largest crowds, and we inspired thousands of conversations about Canada’s future and its place in the world. Expect bigger and better things from us in the years ahead.”

Download the Full Report


For more information, please contact…

Alex Paterson
Communications & Program Coordinator, Canada 2020
(613) 793-8234 | [email protected]

About Canada 2020

Founded in 2006, Canada 2020 has grown to become Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank working to redefine the role of the federal government for a modern Canada. We produce original research, host events and start conversations about Canada’s future. Canada 2020’s goal is to build a progressive community of people and ideas that will move and shape governments. For more, visit

Release: Dr. Don Lenihan joins Canada 2020

January 15, 2015 (OTTAWA) – Dr. Don Lenihan, author of Rescuing Policy: The Case for Public Engagement, has joined Canada 2020 – Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank – in the role of Senior Associate, Policy and Engagement.
Dr. Lenihan will expand Canada 2020’s ability to host seminars and training sessions around open government and public engagement and to advise governments on their use in the policy process. He will also continue to write extensively about Canada’s policy and political cycles.
“Don Lenihan is one of Canada’s leading voices in the critical conversation on open government, and as an organization that believes in the power of citizen engagement, collaboration and access to information as means to produce better policy, we could not be happier to welcome Don into the fold,” said Canada 2020 Co-Founder Tim Barber.
Most recently, Don led an Expert Group process for the UN and the OECD on public engagement models to support the post-2015 UN agenda on sustainable development. He also recently served as Chair of the Open Government Engagement Team for the Government of Ontario.
Don’s most recent book, Rescuing Policy: The Case for Public Engagement, was published in January 2012 and is an introduction to the field of public engagement, as well as a blueprint for change, and a sustained argument for the need to rethink the public policy process.
Don has over 25 years of experience as a project leader, writer, speaker, senior government advisor, trainer and facilitator. Throughout his career, he has developed and led many research and consultation projects involving senior public servants, academics, elected officials, journalists and members of the private and third sectors from across the country. He is the author of numerous articles, studies and books, and a weekly columnist for National Newswatch. He earned his PhD in political theory from the University of Ottawa.
Don Lenihan can now be reached at [email protected]


For more information, please contact

Alex Paterson
Communications & Program Coordinator, Canada 2020
[email protected] | (613) 793-8234

About Canada 2020

Canada 2020 is Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank working to redefine the role of the federal government for a modern Canada. We produce original research, host events, and start conversations about Canada’s future. Our goal is to build a progressive community of people and ideas that will move and shape governments. For more, visit

Release: Robert Asselin joins Canada 2020

January 8, 2015 (OTTAWA) – Robert Asselin, noted author, academic, and political advisor, has joined Canada 2020 full-time in the role of Vice President of Policy and Research.
While at Canada 2020, Asselin will shape the organization’s growing research agenda, producing more original research, commentary and thought-provoking insight into the major policy issues facing Canada and, in particular, the federal government.
Robert Asselin
“We are thrilled to welcome Robert to the Canada 2020 team full-time,” said Tim Barber, Canada 2020’s Co-Founder. “Robert was an extremely active member of our Advisory Board, coordinating our research agenda and writing extensively about issues like democratic and electoral reform. We look forward to working with Robert in his new and expanded role.”
Robert Asselin was the Associate Director of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa from October 2007 to January 2015. In 2014, he was appointed Visiting Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington. Robert previously served as Advisor and Speechwriter to the Prime Minister of Canada and worked as a policy advisor with three Cabinet ministers.


For more information, please contact:
Alex Paterson
Communications & Program Coordinator
Canada 2020
[email protected]
(613) 793-8234

Year-End Survey: 5 Questions for 2015

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Announcing Canada 2020’s New Advisory Board

Canada 2020 is pleased to announce its brand new Advisory Board.

Chaired by Don Newman, the new group will assist Canada 2020 in its pursuit of opening dialogue on strategic, progressive federal policy in Canada.

The new Canada 2020 Advisory Board is:

  • Don Newman, Chairman
  • Robert Asselin, University of Ottawa
  • John Brodhead, Evergreen Cityworks
  • Matt Browne, Center for American Progress
  • Mark Cameron, Hill+Knowlton Strategies
  • Ailish Campbell, Canadian Council of Chief Executives
  • Diana Carney, London
  • Kenneth Courtis, Themes Investment Management
  • Kim Furlong, Amgen Canada
  • Ian Mallory, Pickworth Investments
  • David McLaughlin, University Waterloo
  • Anne McLellan, Bennett Jones LLP
  • Howie Millard, TD Bank Group
  • Peter Nicholson, Canadian Council of the Academies
  • Emilie Potvin, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
  • Michael Sangster, TELUS
  • Mark Stabile, University of Toronto

House Finance Committee cites Canada 2020 work on inequality

The House Standing Committee on Finance has published its report on income inequality, citing Canada 2020′s work, research and thought-leadership.
You can download it in full here (jump to page 40 for the committee’s recommendations).
The report was set in motion by Liberal MP Scott Brison, whose motion to study the effects of income inequality in Canada received cross-party support in the House of Commons in early 2013.
The report features testimony from Canada 2020′s Diana Carney, as well as Dr. Miles Corak, whose Canada 2020 paper Public policies for equality of opportunity and social mobility in Canada is essential reading for Canadian policymakers.
What is abundantly clear is that concern about income inequality will continue to persist the longer substantial policy solutions are not enacted. Indeed, income inequality has dominated global politics this year – with everyone from President Barack Obama to Pope Francis calling it the defining challenge of our time.
The Committee’s report is a good step for Canada’s federal policymakers. In particular, Canada 2020 welcomes its call for investments in early education and care in order to increase social mobility, particularly for lower income areas.