/Thread Episode 18: Trade Negotiation Hangovers, Sidewalk Labs Controversy, and the Kavanaugh Vote

The 2020 Network

“No matter which jurisdiction you live in, one of the most difficult areas of law is sexual assault law because it’s my word against yours…in this area you’re forced to perform or re-perform what has happened to you like you’re on stage.”

Mary Anne Carter, senior consultant at Earnscliffe Strategy Group and /Thread regular Mike Moffatt, join host Sarah Turnbull to discuss: reactions to USMCA and provisions left out of public discussion, the Sidewalk Labs data controversy, and the ongoing Kavanaugh scandal that led to a Matt Damon SNL spoof.

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Explain like I’m Five Episode 13: Governor General, with Philippe Lagassé

The 2020 Network

“The Queen and the governor general, as embodiments of the crown, are supposed to reflect Canadians back onto themselves, so they’re kind of there in an apolitical, non-partisan capacity.”

Philippe Lagassé associate professor at Carleton University and expert on the Westminster system, spoke with Aaron Reynolds about the purpose and relevancy of Canada’s Governor General.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 19: USMCA, with Maryscott Greenwood

The 2020 Network

“Canada hung tough and as the prime minister mentioned earlier today, Canada I think is the only country in the G7 that has a free trade agreement now with everybody in the G7.”

On this special edition of Wonk with Mike, host Mike Moffatt gets reaction from Maryscott Greenwood, CEO of the Canadian American Business Council and a front-line trade expert, on the new Canada, United States, and Mexico trade deal, known as USMCA.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 18: Immigrants and the Quebec Election, with Leslie Cheung

The 2020 Network

“It creates a pecking order. If Muslims are first on the list of not Quebecois or not Quebecois enough than who’s next on the list?”

Host Mike Moffatt is joined by “recovering academic” Leslie Cheung whose research on second generation immigrant identity in Quebec – and sub-nationalism more broadly – provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in the fall Quebec election.

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/Thread Episode 17: Ford/Kavanaugh Hearings, Payette as Governor General, and Covering Polarizing People

The 2020 Network

“It’s the polarization that terrifies me. It’s the idea that democrats and republicans can’t do anything together in the United States anymore. This is a really vivid and highly intimate look into what polarization can do to human beings and to due process.”

Host Sarah Turnbull chats with National Post reporter Marie-Danielle Smith and author, political commentator, and Ottawa’s Toronto Star bureau chief Susan Delacourt about: U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, whether Canada’s current Governor General Julie Payette is cut out for the role, and how journalists should cover polarizing figures like Toronto City mayoral candidate Faith Goldy.

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Quality Content Episode 10: The Millennial Challenge, with Caro Loutfi and Jeremy Heimans

The 2020 Network

“There’s a lot to learn from these new decentralized movements. They don’t look like institutions, they don’t have formal structured leadership, but they do have many leaders and their capacity to change norms can be immense.”

Caro Loutfi, executive director of Apathy Is Boring, and Jeremy Heimans, CEO of Purpose, join host Sarah Turnbull at the Global Progress Summit in Montréal to talk about political engagement among millennials, digital activism, and developing messages that resonate.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 17: Stand Up and Run, with Jessica Post

The 2020 Network

“A lot of what we’re having to do to win is express the hard work and commitment to skills-based and trade-based education that many of these candidates have.”

Host Mike Moffatt speaks to Jessica Post, executive director of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee at the Global Progress Summit in Montréal about regaining the support of rust belt voters and what it’s going to take to win back state legislatures.

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/Thread Episode 16: Floor-crossing, Muppet sexuality, and Kavanaugh…on a train

The 2020 Network
On this very special mobile edition of /Thread, host Sarah Turnbull and guests Mike Moffatt and Aaron Reynolds talk about now Conservative MP Leona Alleslev’s floor-crossing, the Twitter uproar over Bert and Ernie’s sexuality, and conspiracy theories about Brett Kavanaugh’s doppelgänger.
Recorded live on VIA Rail train 34, travelling from Ottawa to Montréal.

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Explain like I’m Five Episode 12: The House of Commons, with Dale Smith

The 2020 Network

“They’ll be friendly for a couple of hours but they have a summers worth of pent up issues that they need to litigate in the House of Commons so they’re going to be as performative as they possibly can be in order to show everyone that they’re fuelled up and roaring to go.”

Dale Smith, author of The Unbroken Machine: Canada’s Democracy in Action, joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain what goes down when MPs return to Parliament Hill for the fall sitting.

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