/Thread 42: SNC-Lavalin updates, Scheer’s mass-text, aftermath of Mueller report, and Apple’s announcement

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“The final act kind of landed like a deflated balloon. Everyone was so built up for this report to land. You could sense Democrats going ‘ok he doesn’t recommend further indictments, he didn’t find evidence of collusion, but it’s still good.'”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. The trio discuss: updates to the SNC-Lavalin controversy including, Liberal MPs pushing back against Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott, committee investigations, and the company’s backtracking of their CEO’s comments about job losses; Andrew Scheer’s mass-text to throw shade on the Liberal’s carbon tax plan; fallout from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report; and Apple’s Monday announcement unveiling new subscription services.

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Quality Content Episode 23: A Lifetime of Artistic Achievement, with Rick Mercer

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“One of the great luxuries of doing a rant or doing a commentary when you have a large audience, is you know that there are people from a broad spectrum of opinions and different ideologies listening to you.”

Host Alex Paterson kicks off a series of interviews with the 2019 recipients of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards with a conversation with one of Canada’s most treasured political and social commentators, Rick Mercer. Rick will receive the Lifetime Artistic Achievement Award on April 27. The two talk about his celebrated career as a broadcaster, his current endeavours, and the state of Canadian comedy.

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/Thread 41:Budget 2019, SNC-Lavalin updates, and Trump’s possible opponents in 2020

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“The number one thing democrats want now is to beat Trump. However they get there – elephant on roller skates – totally fine. The question is which way is the surer path.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. The trio discuss: key takeaways from the Liberal’s pre-election budget; SNC-Lavalin updates, including the resignation of the Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick, the justice committee’s decision to shutdown the investigation, and former Cabinet Minister Jane Philpott’s interview in Maclean’s. To cap it off, they look at the democrats hoping to take down President Trump in the 2020 U.S. election.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 31: Boeing 737 Max 8, with Larry Vance

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“The more automated the airplane becomes the less the pilot has that hands-on feel for it all.”

Host Aaron Reynolds is joined by Larry Vance, former Government of Canada pilot, former investigator with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, and the original author of the organization’s Manual of Investigations Operations. Vance shares what’s known about the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash last weekend that involved a Boeing 737 Max 8 plane, its similarities to the Lion Air plane crash in Indonesia just five months ago, and the role of automation in aviation.

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Quality Content Episode 22: The Beaverton, with Luke Gordon Field

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“Canadians will always enjoy an article making fun of how brutal our big three telecom situation is here and the amount we have to pay for cellphones.”

Host Alex Paterson sat down with Luke Gordon Field, one of the co-founders of The Beaverton to chat about the platform’s humble beginnings, its current place in Canadian media, and what it’s like working in satire in the age of misinformation.

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/Thread 40: Justice committee suspends mtg, Canada responds to Boeing plane crash, and the U.S. college admissions scandal

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“One legitimate read on this is that Canada made a more considerate decision than some other places did.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. The trio discuss: the special gathering of the Hose of Commons justice committee on Wednesday and why it adjourned earlier than expected, the federal government’s response to the deadly Ethiopian Airlines crash the involved a Boeing 737 Max 8 model, and the ongoing U.S. college admissions scandal that’s rocked the country.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 30: The Federal Budget, with the Hon. John Manley

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“If you need to save money there are no easy ways. When politicians say there’s lots of low hanging fruit, there’s lots of waste, you know it just doesn’t usually add up to a whole lot.”

The Trudeau budget is set to land March 19th, so host Aaron Reynolds sat down with former Finance Minister John Manley to get a better sense of how a federal budget is made, what items are weighed more heavily than others, how it’s rolled out, and what’s with the new shoes tradition?

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Quality Content Episode 21: No Second Chances, with Kate Graham

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“It doesn’t matter what political party these women are from, they all want to see more women in politics. They know how important this is to making good decisions in this country.”

Host Alex Paterson sat down with Dr. Kate Graham, researcher and senior fellow at Canada 2020, to discuss No Second Chances – a look at the rise and fall of Canada’s 12 female first ministers, the commonalities and differences in their experiences, and what their stories can teach us about women in politics at large. The multimedia project launched on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2019.

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/Thread 39: Philpott resigns, Butts testifies, the PM speaks out, and Google bans political ads

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“[Jane Philpott’s resignation] expanded the blast radius of this issue beyond the original players who were involved in the core story.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by /Thread panelists Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s and David Reevely of The Canadian Press. The trio discuss the latest in the SNC-Lavalin affair including; Jane Philpott’s resignation from cabinet, Gerald Butts’ testimony before the House of Commons Justice Committee, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s speech, and why Google is deciding to ban political ads during the upcoming election.

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