/Thread Episode 27: First Ministers’ mtg, Remembering 41, and tweets to Trevor Noah

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“I think there’s definitely a nostalgia for what has come before this particular moment in American politics. His passing is the end of an era.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Stuart Thomson of the National Post and Sarah Goldfeder of Earnscliffe Strategy Group. The group discuss: possible outcomes of the First Ministers’ meeting in Montreal and why tensions are already high, the passing of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, and the prime minister’s tweet to Trevor Noah.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 21: Abortion law, with Daphne Gilbert

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“Morgentaler took one of his prosecutions up to the Supreme Court of Canada on the grounds that this procedure in the criminal code violated a woman’s charter rights and that was R v. Morgentaler case of 1988.”

Daphne Gilbert, law professor at the University of Ottawa, joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain the genesis of Canada’s abortion law, how it’s changed over time, and its parallels to Roe vs. Wade in the United States.

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Quality Content Episode 13: Beyond Left and Right, with Tim Dixon

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“We know that when face-to-face, when people who have differences in their points of view, when they engage with each other, they actually find it a really positive experience, really constructive.”

Host Alex Paterson is joined by Tim Dixon, co-founder of More in Common at the Global Progress conference in Montreal. Tim worked for years in U.K. and Australian politics before turning his attention to helping the world better understand what drives political polarization. Through this initiative, and years of research, Tim hopes to bring to light new narratives around what unites us vs. what divides us.

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/Thread Episode 26: GM closures, Ontario’s climate plan, and romance on the Hill

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“It was funny to watch just about every Canadian political leader, whether you liked what they were saying or not, falling all over themselves to get into this debate…the politics of it, because it was Ontario, was not refreshing and sadly predictable.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Tim Powers of Summa Strategies and David Reevely of The Canadian Press to discuss: General Motors’ closure of five North American auto plants and how USMCA ties into the discussion, Ontario’s proposed climate plan, and Green Party leader Elizabeth May’s engagement news.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 20: The Canadian Security Intelligence Service, with Dick Fadden

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“In some countries, if the minister of the interior or the president doesn’t like you, they can ask the secret service to just go out and investigate you and make a nuisance. In this country, that’s absolutely forbidden. You need a threat to national security.”

Dick Fadden, former director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and national security advisor to the prime minister, joins host Aaron Reynolds to explain what CSIS is, how it operates, what it’s comparable to internationally, and why security threats look a lot different today.

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Quality Content Episode 12: The Secret Life of Canada

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“We really wanted to tell the stories of Indigenous people, women, and black and brown Canadians that had contributed so much to our history but we certainly didn’t learn about ourselves in school.”

Host Alex Paterson is joined by Falen Johnson and Leah-Simone Bowen, hosts of the indie turned CBC hit podcast The Secret Life of Canada. They talk about where the idea for the show came from, how they go about taking a look between the lines of Canadian history, and why it’s important to prioritize Indigenous and racialized stories.

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/Thread Episode 25: Tax competitiveness, media bailouts, and where hypermasculinity meets abuse

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“It’s really important to remember, we’re 11 months out from the federal election and [the government] is trying to check a number of boxes and save some of those other items for the larger federal budget.”

Host Sarah Turnbull sits down to chat about the week that was with Mary Anne Carter of Earnscliffe Strategy Group and Marco Vigliotti of iPolitics. The group dives into the fall fiscal update, delivered by Finance Minister Bill Morneau on Wednesday, including tax breaks for corporate Canada and government media bailouts. Also discussed: abuse allegations at St. Michael’s College School where six teens have been charged with sexual assault.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 19: Canadian Immigration, with Andrew Griffith

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“We always understood that it was about integration, it was about reserving a space for peoples’ identities, but again always within that Canadian construct of laws and values.”

Andrew Griffith, former director general of citizenship and multiculturalism at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, joins host Aaron Reynolds to talk about how the Canadian immigration system works, the pressures it faces, and the philosophies that shaped it.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 25: Ten years after the financial crisis, with Wayne Swan

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“A senior person said to me: ‘This is not the end, this is not the beginning of the end, it’s just the end of the beginning.’ And I thought that sounds serious.”

Wayne Swan, former Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer of Australia during the Great Recession, joins Mike Moffatt to discuss Australia’s response to the financial crisis with the benefit of a decade of hindsight.

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