/Thread Episode 21: Polarization, Pipe Bombs, and Apologies

The 2020 Network

“Most of us live in a world that we know is complicated and we know things can’t be as simple as people are saying but it’s far too easy to turn the world into friends and enemies, all bad all good.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Toronto Star columnist and Ottawa bureau chief, Susan Delacourt and Principal at Earnscliffe Strategy Group, Sarah Goldfeder. Topics addressed: whether “sunny ways” will survive the next election, how polarization in the U.S. took a turn for the worse, and daytime TV host Megyn Kelly’s “blackface” apology that went nowhere.

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Quality Content Episode 11: On The Podium, with Alexander Shelley

The 2020 Network

“For some people when they hear the words symphony or classical music, a wall goes up. They feel like there’s a tent that they’re not in and that they don’t know enough for some reason. It’s really so important to me to invite people into that tent.”

The National Arts Centre Orchestra’s Music Director, Alexander Shelley joins Sarah Turnbull in the The 2020 Network studios to discuss his upbringing in Germany studying conducting, what attracted him to the podium, and what led him to Ottawa where he’s now transforming the country’s orchestral persona.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 22: “You Can’t Do Nothing” about Climate Change, with Chris Ragan

The 2020 Network

“It’s easy to say we don’t like taxes. It’s easy to say all taxes are bad but it’s not so easy to offer an alternative. So let’s actually make sure that people who are opposed to a carbon price are putting something forward as an alternative.”

Host Mike Moffatt sits down with economist Chris Ragan to chat about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report about the need for global climate action and why carbon taxing is a good first step.

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/Thread Episode 20: Three Days of Weed, Twitter Blocking, and Louis C.K.’s comedy comeback

The 2020 Network

“Police essentially have the right to stop just about any driver they suspect of intoxication which is much freer reign than police have had and history shows us that we ought to worry about how that discretion is going to be used.”

On the 20th episode of /Thread, host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Shannon Proudfoot of Maclean’s, David Reevely of the Ottawa Citizen, and producer Aaron Reynolds to talk about the challenging first days of cannabis legalization, what happens when a politician blocks you on Twitter, and Louis C.K.’s comeback attempt.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 15: Cannabis legalization, with Anne McLellan

The 2020 Network

“Good rule to start with, if you can’t smoke tobacco wherever you are, you cannot smoke cannabis.”

Host Aaron Reynolds sits down with Anne McLellan, former deputy prime minister, cabinet minister, and chair of Canada’s task force on cannabis legalization and regulation to discuss the rollout of cannabis law in Canada.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 21: Stats Cannabis, with James Tebrake

The 2020 Network

“Our issue was not so much how are we going to measure [cannabis] going forward but how do we measure the back period, the illegal period, so that when we provide a measure of GDP post-legalization we have a nice consistent time series.”

Host Mike Moffatt sat down James Tebrake, Director General of the Macroeconomics Accounts Branch at Statistics Canada. He and his team have been tasked with collecting data on cannabis consumption, output, and production before and after legalization on October 17 and understanding the affect this will have on the country’s GDP.

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/Thread Episode 19: Climate, Cannabis, and Kanye West

The 2020 Network

“The idea that carbon taxes don’t work – I’m sure you could misdesign them and mess them up – but you’re arguing essentially that prices don’t affect behaviour, which is not the way I live and it’s not the way anyone else lives as far as I know.”

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by David Reevely, journalist at the Ottawa Citizen and Tim Powers, vice-chairman of Summa Strategies. Topics discussed: Climate action in Canada and carbon pricing as a solution, cannabis legalization countdown, and celebrities who get political.

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Explain Like I’m Five Episode 14: Regulating Canadian Content, with Michael Geist

The 2020 Network

“One way to help ensure that Canadians can make a living out of participating in the cultural sector is to ensure there’s a ready market for what they’re creating.”

Michael Geist, law professor and Canada Research Chair in Internet and eCommerce law at uOttawa, joins host Aaron Reynolds to demystify the regulations around Canadian content on television, why they exist, and what they’re supposed to achieve.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 20: A Friend, a Job, and a Home, with Jodi Butts

The 2020 Network

“We really need to think about the means of attachment of our social safety net. Should it really by tied to traditional employment? I think we’re going to see more and more that we need to get away from that model.”

Jodi Butts, former Chief Executive of Rise Asset Development and current Canada Goose board member, joins host Mike Moffatt to discuss the value of investing in mental health supports in the workplace, peer support networks, and getting past the traditional archetypes of entrepreneurship.

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