/Thread Episode 13: NAFTA “Bombshells”, Trans Mountain, and Episode Picks

The 2020 Network
Guest host Alex Paterson and Mike Moffat take a condensed look-back at the current state of NAFTA negotiations, discuss the political mess that is the Trans Mountain pipeline, and give their picks for their favourite episodes that you might have missed on The 2020 Network so far.

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Here’s the playlist of our favourites from the 2020 Network that you might have missed:

/Thread Episode 12: Conservative shake-up, Ford speeches, women in sport

The 2020 Network

Host Sarah Turnbull is joined by Mike Moffatt and journalist Dale Smith to chat about Quebec MP Maxime Bernier’s departure from the CPC, Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s appearances across Canada, and Hayley Wickenheiser joining the Toronto Maple Leafs leadership team.

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Quality Content Episode 8: #EnemyOfNone, with Cecile Wehrman

The 2020 Network
QC Enemy of None graphic w logos

“It doesn’t matter how [fake news] started. It just matters that the president of the United States, who is sworn to uphold the constitution, which has a first amendment giving us the right to a free press is trashing the press at every turn & only trashing the press critical of his actions…”

Guest host Sarah Turnbull interviews Cecile Wehrman, editor and publisher of two local North Dakota news publications about her decision to add her papers names’ to the #enemyofnone campaign. They also chat about what it’s like reporting at the ground level, in a republican state, in the era of President Donald Trump.

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2020 Live Episode 8: In conversation with Alexandre Gagnon, Vice-President, Amazon Canada & Mexico

The 2020 Network
Alexandre Gagnon, Vice-President of Amazon Canada & Mexico, joins Mike Moffatt in the Canada 2020 studios to discuss Amazon’s expansion plans in Canada, tax policy, cultural protections, and the future of e-commerce. Recorded live on August 21st, 2018.

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/Thread Episode 11: Pot Investments, #EnemyofNone, and Max Bernier

The 2020 Network
Sarah Turnbull and Alex Paterson are joined by former diplomat and Macleans editor-at-large Scott Gilmore for a look back at the week. Topics include investing in cannabis, reactions to the Boston Globe’s #enemyofnone editorial campaign, and how to react to Maxime Bernier’s Twitter rant about multiculturalism.

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Explain like I’m Five Episode 9: Guaranteed Basic Income

The 2020 Network

“Listen carefully to the discussion. If people speak about the poor, the needy, or if they speak about citizens in need, Canadians who are poor…it’s a very different conception of the motivation of people.”

Miles Corak, professor of economics at the graduate centre at the City University of New York, joins host Aaron Reynolds to talk about guaranteed basic income, how it works in practice, and the original objectives of the newly cancelled Ontario pilot program.

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Wonk with Mike Episode 11: Trade and Trump, with Maryscott Greenwood

The 2020 Network

“Is there something that Canada could offer that would be meaningful to the president that would not be devastating to Canada to just get us to an offramp so we don’t continue this spiral of retaliation and escalation?”

Mike Moffatt is joined by Maryscott Greenwood, a former American diplomat to Canada, to discuss Canada – US trade, concerns about Chinese steel, NAFTA and trade agreement alternatives, and looming automotive tariffs.

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/Thread Episode 10 : we’re gonna blow up the moon (week of August 10)

The 2020 Network

“Absolutely zero adult supervision.”

Aaron Reynolds and Alex Paterson are joined by Sarah Goldfeder and Josh McJannett to talk about the week that just ended. Topics include diplomacy by tweet, Space Force and Canada’s place in space innovation, and Buck-a-Beer backlash. Plus, we play the tweet game.

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