The Canada 2020 Policy Lab

Policy Lab

Better Public Policy Through Collaboration

Canada 2020 Policy Labs are collaborative sessions deployed on emerging public policy issues that require creative thinking, across and outside of the traditional silos of policy development. Their intent is to leave the politics behind, by creating an open space for sharing information and perspectives.

What is a Policy Lab?
A Canada 2020 Policy Lab is a half-day or full day-long retreat at the Canada 2020 Studio in Ottawa, Ontario. The goals of a Policy Lab are to make connections between the participants, to share information and resources, and to make progress on complex public policy issues affecting Canadians.
Policy Lab Process
Prior to the lab, 20-60 relevant subject matter experts are invited to participate.
Each participant is encouraged to submit a resource list of publicly available materials: reports, news articles, videos, etc. that they feel are relevant to the topic. These will be compiled into a master resource list, which will be distributed to all participants a week before the Lab.
Participants may also submit additional perspectives, which will be distributed to all participants a week before the Policy Lab. A week before the Policy Lab, a schedule of the day’s activities will be released to all participants, along with a final list of questions that will be discussed.
Policy Lab Outcomes 
A short summary document will be written by Canada 2020, which details what was discussed, points on which there was consensus, points where there was disagreement, and recommended next steps.
At the end of the Policy Lab, the resource list will be made available to the public.
A successful Policy Lab should lead to further exploration of a topic by participants or Canada 2020 – through original research, stakeholder meetings, larger conferences or events, or public engagement.
Each Policy Lab will have spots reserved to the public. You can tell us why you think your input would be valuable to the discussion by filling out an online questionnaire. Applications will be specific to Policy Labs and will be posted on Canada 2020’s website.

Upcoming Canada 2020 Policy Labs

  • Canada 2020 Policy Lab on Open Banking in Canada (May 7th, 2018) – Open Banking Report on Findings and Resolutions
  • Canada 2020 Policy Lab on the National Pharmacare Initiative (May 29th, 2018) – report coming soon
  • Canada 2020 Policy Lab on Tax Competitiveness (June 19th, 2018) – report coming soon


The Canada 2020 Internship Program

Canada 2020 is accepting applications for two intern positions in our Ottawa office.

Update: Applications are now closed – thanks to all that applied!

Two positions are available:

  • Research & Analysis Internship
  • Communications & Production Internship

This is a paid internship, beginning May 2018 for a minimum period of 12 weeks.
You will be working with the Canada 2020 team on a series of projects, events and original research. Applicants must fill out the form below. Successful applicants will receive a phone call to set-up an interview. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email.

Mike Moffatt joins Canada 2020 in policy leadership role

Starting January 8th, 2018, Mike Moffatt will serve as Canada 2020’s new Director of Policy & Research

Mike Announcement
8 January 2018 (OTTAWA) – Economist and international trade professor Mike Moffatt will join Canada 2020, Canada’s leading, independent progressive think-tank, as Director of Policy & Research starting January 8, 2018.
Mike comes to this role from the Government of Canada, serving as Chief Innovation Fellow at the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development where he advised Deputy Ministers on innovation policy and emerging trends.
Previously, Mike served as one of Canada 2020’s Senior Fellows, where he most notably led Canada 2020’s Innovation Project that produced the seminal report Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada. Mike was also previously the head of the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management at Ivey Business School, Western University and Chief Economist for the Mowat Centre at the University of Toronto.  Mike has worked with Canadian politicians and policy markers of all political stripes to craft more effective public policy.

“Mike is a fantastic addition to our organization. Through his insightful writing, commentary, and social presence, Mike trades in the same kind of accessible context about major public policy issues that Canada 2020 has always sought to provide.” – Tom Pitfield on behalf of Canada 2020’s Board of Directors

In addition to his role at Canada 2020, Mike Moffatt is an Assistant Professor in the Business, Economics and Public Policy group at Ivey Business School, Western University. Mike has a Ph.D. in Management Science from Ivey Business School, an MA in Economics from the University of Rochester, and a combined honours B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Western University.
Mike will join Canada 2020’s team in Ottawa and will be focused on expanding Canada 2020’s original research capacity, with an eye to bringing new and emerging voices to Canada 2020’s platform, as well as diversifying the organization’s contributions to the public policy conversation.
Starting January 8th, 2018, Mike will be available for media comment, background and expert analysis on public policy issues.


Questions & contact: Alex Paterson, Canada 2020’s Director of Communications & Operations, [email protected]

Release: Leaders of the global progressive movement gathering in Montreal at Global Progress 2017

Global Progress Colour@0.5x
The Global Progress 2017 Summit to feature Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Philippe Couillard, Arianna Huffington, John Podesta, Maria Elena Boschi, Reid Hoffman, Helle Thorning Schmidt, David Milliband and more at gathering hosted by Canada 2020 in partnership with the Center for American Progress, Policy Network and Volta Italia.
14 September 2017 (MONTREAL) – Canada 2020 will host the 2017 Global Progress Summit in Montreal, Canada this weekend, gathering leaders from the global progressive movement including Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Couillard, Maria Elena Boschi, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, John Podesta and more.
Global Progress, housed at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., is a collaborative network of think-tanks, research institutes and other policy initiatives that share resources, best-practices and strategies.
This year’s summit, hosted by Canada 2020, will feature keynotes, breakout discussions and panel conversations on themes such as digital democracy, the future of work, shared prosperity, defending the liberal international order and more.

“Canada 2020 is proud to once again host the Global Progress Summit on Canadian soil. Canada has emerged as a true leader of the global progressive movement – and Canada 2020 prides itself on bringing progressive thinkers together to discuss the important issues and decisions facing policymakers today.”

Tom Pitfield, President of Canada 2020

“Global Progress is thrilled to return to Montreal for the second consecutive year. Canada has become a global hub for progressive thinking on important issues, and over 200 delegates from over 25 countries will be in attendance to lend their perspective to how we can collaboratively work together to solve 21st century challenges.”

Matt Browne, Executive Director of Global Progress

“Policy Network – the international ideas exchange for progressives – is delighted to be partnering in Global Progress 2017, Montreal. There has never been a more vital time for progressives to come together and share ideas and experiences from around the world. And there is no more relevant country to be gathering than Canada, where prime minister Trudeau has led the way in showing how it is possible to craft a progressive platform that crucially speaks to the pace of economic and social change our societies are experiencing.”

Matthew Laza, Director of Policy Network

Summit Details:

What: The Global Progress Summit 2017
Where: Sheraton Centre Hotel, Montreal (3rd & 4th Floor)
When: September 16 – 17, 2017 (full agenda here)
Hosts: Global Progress and Canada 2020, in partnership with the Center for American Progress (USA), Policy Network (UK), Volta (Italy)
Key participants include:

  • Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada – Friday, September 15
  • Hon. Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec – Saturday, September 16
  • Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment & Climate Change – Sunday, September 17
  • John Podesta, Founder, Centre for American Progress – Saturday, September 16
  • Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder, LinkedIn – Sunday, September 17
  • Arianna Huffington, Founder, The Huffington Post – Sunday, September 17
  • Steve Huffman, CEO, Reddit – Sunday, September 17
  • Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO, Save the Children International – Saturday, September 16
  • Wael Ghonim, Egyptian Activist & Fellow @ Harvard’s Shorenstein Center – Sunday, September 17
  • Maria Elena Boschi, Undersecretary, Italy – Saturday, September 16
  • Neera Tanden, Centre for American Progress – Saturday, September 16
  • Rt. Hon. David Miliband, CEO, International Rescue Committee – Saturday, September 15
  • Giuliano da Empoli, Volta, Italy – Saturday, September 15
  • + more

Plenary panels are open for coverage. Feedboxes and a press room will be available. The full agenda is available for download here.
Please note that media will require security sweeps prior to Friday’s session. Please report to Ballroom East no later than 2:00 PM EST.


To coordinate access and coverage, please contact:
Alex Paterson, Canada 2020, (613) 793-8234, [email protected]
About Canada 2020
Canada 2020 is Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank. Founded in 2006, Canada 2020 produces original research, hosts events and starts conversations about Canada’s future. Our goal is to build a community of progressive ideas and people that will move and shape governments. For more, visit
About Global Progress
Global Progress is a collaborative work program housed at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. Founded by Matt Browne, Global Progress connects progressive think-tanks, initiatives, institutions and movements from around the world. The Global Progress network shares ideas, resources and talent in the pursuit of a more socially and economically progressive international community.

Release: Canada 2020 and Pathways to Education Canada partner to send youth to President Obama event in Toronto

Pathways to Education
Students from Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, and Kingston to attend Canada 2020’s event with President Barack Obama in Toronto on September 29, 2017
13 September 2017 (TORONTO) – Canada 2020 is pleased to announce a partnership with Pathways to Education Canada to help bring youth from low-income communities to Canada 2020’s event with President Barack Obama in Toronto.
40-50 high school students from the Pathways to Education Program in Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, and Kingston will attend Canada 2020’s luncheon event with President Obama, happening September 29 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

“Canada 2020 is so proud of this partnership with Pathways to Education,” said Tom Pitfield, President of Canada 2020. “President Obama is one of the most inspiring leaders of our generation – especially for young people – and as an organization that cares deeply about global citizenship, Canada 2020 is thrilled to work on this once in a lifetime opportunity with Pathways.”

“Pathways to Education recognizes this is the kind of experience that is life-changing for youth and provides them with opportunities to learn and engage as active citizens. We are very grateful to Canada 2020 and our partners for including young Canadians in this global conversation,” said Sue Gillespie, President & CEO, Pathways to Education Canada.

Canada 2020 is also working with other individual schools, community groups, and local charities to provide access to the event which is expected to draw thousands to downtown Toronto.
For more information about the event, visit


Interviews and comment available from:

  • Tom Pitfield, President, Canada 2020
  • Bruce Heyman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada
  • Sue Gillespie, President & CEO, Pathways to Education Canada

To coordinate, please contact:
Alex Paterson, Canada 2020, (613) 793-8234, [email protected]
Alanna O’Connor, Pathways to Education Canada, (416) 646-0123 x 507 [email protected]
About Pathways to Education
Pathways to Education is a national, charitable organization working to make Canada a Graduation Nation. Partnering with dedicated organizations in low-income communities, Pathways supports youth to graduate from high school and achieve their full potential. Our award-winning combination of academic, financial, social, and one-on-one supports continues to successfully break the cycle of poverty through the power of education.

Canada 2020 to host President Barack Obama Friday September 29 in Toronto

Canada 2020 to host President Barack Obama Friday September 29 in Toronto

Tables on sale Wednesday, September 6 for Canada 2020’s event with the 44th President of the United States at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre
6 September 2017 (OTTAWA) – Canada 2020 is honoured to announce that the organization will host President Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, for a lunch event in Toronto on September 29th, 2017.

“President Barack Obama in Toronto will be the biggest political event of the year, bar none,” said Bruce Heyman, former U.S. Ambassador to Canada and newly appointed special adviser to Canada 2020. “Canada 2020 has always focused on hosting inspiring leaders and conversations, and President Obama is one of the most inspirational political figures of our time.”
Added Bruce: “For many, this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see and hear President Obama live. Canada 2020 is thrilled to help spread his message of civic engagement, community leadership and tolerance.”

The event will take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. President Obama will deliver a keynote speech, followed by a moderated discussion.
Tables for the event will go on sale Wednesday, September 6th at 12:00 PM Eastern.
This event is closed to the news media.
For more information, visit

Media inquiries can be directed to Alex Paterson, Canada 2020’s Director of Communications & Operations at (613) 793-8234, and [email protected].
About Canada 2020
Canada 2020 is Canada’s leading, independent progressive think-tank. Founded in 2006, Canada 2020 has spent over a decade producing original research, hosting events and starting conversations about Canada’s future. Canada 2020’s goal is to build a community of progressive ideas and people that will help shape governments. For more, visit

Canada 2020 accueillera le Président Barack Obama le vendredi 29 septembre à Toronto

Les tables sont en vente le mecredi 6 septembre pour l’événement de Canada 2020 avec le 44e président des États-Unis au Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain
6 septembre 2017 (OTTAWA) – Canada 2020 a l’honneur d’annoncer que l’organisme accueillera le Président Barack Obama, 44e président des États-Unis, à l’occasion d’un dîner à Toronto le 29 septembre 2017.

« Le Président Barack Obama à Toronto sera le plus grand événement politique de l’année, sans exception, » indique Bruce Heyman, ancien ambassadeur des États-Unis au Canada et récemment nommé conseiller spécial auprès de Canada 2020. « Canada 2020 s’est toujours employé à accueillir et à inspirer des dirigeants et des dialogues; et le Président Obama est l’une des figures politiques les plus inspirantes de notre époque. »
Heyman a ajouté : « Dans de nombreux cas, il s’agira d’une occasion extraordinaire de voir et d’entendre le Président Obama en personne. Canada 2020 est ravi d’aider à disséminer son message d’engagement du citoyen, de leadership communautaire et de tolérance. »

L’événement aura lieu au Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain (Metro Toronto Convention Centre). Le Président Obama prononcera un discours liminaire, suivi d’une entrevue sur la scène.
Les tables d’exposition à l’événement seront en vente ce mecredi 6 septembre à 12 h heure de l’Est.
Cet événement ne sera pas ouvert aux médias.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez le
Les médias peuvent adresser leurs demandes de renseignements à : Alex Paterson, directeur des Communications et Opérations chez Canada 2020, 613-793-8234 et [email protected].
Au sujet de 2020
Canada 2020 est le premier organisme de réflexion indépendant progressiste au Canada. Fondé en 2006, Canada 2020 a consacré plus d’une décennie à produire des recherches originales, à tenir des activités et à entamer un dialogue sur l’avenir du Canada. Canada 2020 a pour objectif de mettre sur pied une communauté d’idées et de personnes progressistes qui aidera à orienter les gouvernements. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le

Announcement: Bruce Heyman to Join Canada 2020

A message from Canada 2020 President, Tom Pitfield

Friends –

Tomorrow, we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.
It’s a proud moment for our country, and an opportunity to celebrate our unique national identity.
And like many milestones, it’s also a time to reflect.
It’s what we have been doing a lot of here at Canada 2020. Last June, we celebrated our own birthday, marking 10 years since our founding conference in Mont Tremblant.
In that time, our small but mighty organization has worked hard to inject new ideas and people from around the world into the Canadian policy community.
In fact, we are now seeing more interest in Canada than ever from our progressives friends around the world – all of them looking to understand more about our country and what we have built as Canadians: a strong democracy, a deep respect for the environment, a shared commitment to inclusive prosperity, and a fundamental belief in human rights, to name a few.
As we begin to think about what’s next for Canada 2020, we wanted to look specifically at our place in the world among similar global organizations. After all, there has never been a better time to be Canadian. In order to do that, we decided to recruit someone to help — I’m happy to announce that we’ve found just the right person.

Canada 2020 is pleased to welcome Bruce A. Heyman, former U.S. Ambassador to Canada to our organization starting July 1, 2017.

His mandate is to help Canada 2020 build on its past in order to become a truly global organization. Throughout the summer and into the fall, he will be leading an effort with our board, advisors and staff to position Canada 2020 for the next 10 years, and beyond. He’ll help us think through our organization’s vision, mission, and yes, even branding (2020 is fast approaching, after all).
For those that know Bruce, you know how much he loves this country. During his time as Ambassador to Canada from the U.S., both he and his amazing partner Vicki put their unique stamp on the traditional role of diplomat. Their love of Canada, their enthusiasm for our values, and their passion for our people from coast to coast to coast is inspiring and contagious.
And that’s precisely why we at Canada 2020 are so excited to work with someone like Bruce Heyman.
If you would like to help me welcome Bruce to the organization, or to share some of your ideas about Canada 2020’s future, click here.
Friends, I couldn’t be happier about this news, and on the eve of Canada’s big day, I couldn’t be more optimistic about Canada 2020’s opportunity to take its place on the world stage.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Canada Day!
Tom Pitfield
Canada 2020

Advisory: World-class speakers descending on Ottawa for Canada 2020 Conference

Fourth Annual Canada 2020 Conference set to feature Sir Richard Branson, Brian Mulroney, Bill Morneau, Harjit Sajjan, Michele Romanow, Kathleen Wynne, Liz Plank, Emily Haines, David Frum + more
13 June 2017 (Ottawa) – The 4th Annual Canada 2020 Conference is set to draw world-class speakers like Richard Branson, Liz Plank, David Frum, Michele Romanow and Anand Giridharadas to Canada’s capital for two days of panels, keynotes and special presentations about artificial intelligence, the future of work, the state of the media, supporting entrepreneurs, and more.
As Canada’s leading public policy convener, Canada 2020’s annual conference is the place to be for smart, forward-looking conversation about government, policy and Canada’s future. The event, happening June 14 to 16 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, will focus on the theme of unprecedented transformation:
“We’re seeing massive transformations to the way we work, the way we get our news, the way we cooperate with our global partners, and more,” said Tim Barber, one of Canada 2020’s Co-Founders. “This year’s Canada 2020 conference is all about how an open, progressive and engaged government can and should respond to these massive shifts – and how citizens can get more involved in the process.”

  • What: The 4th Annual Canada 2020 Conference
  • Host: Canada 2020
  • Dates: June 14 – 16, 2017
  • Where: Shaw Centre, Ottawa
  • Agenda:
  • Speakers
    • Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group
    • Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Former Prime Minister of Canada
    • Hon. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance
    • Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence
    • Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
    • Ty Cobb, Global Director, Human Rights Campaign
    • David Frum, Senior Editor, The Atlantic
    • Liz Plank, Senior Producer, Vox Media
    • Anand Giridharadas, New York Times Columnist
    • Emily Haines, Lead Singer, Metric
    • Bernie Meyerson, Chief Innovation Officer, IBM
    • + more, full list here

Media will be equipped with risers, feedboxes, workstations and wi-fi, as well as access to all conference sessions. Media availability with speakers are available on a case-by-case basis.
Media contact:
Alex Paterson, Director of Communications, Canada 2020, [email protected] | (613) 793-8234
For accreditation, please email [email protected] with the subject line ‘ACCREDITATION’

Des conférenciers de calibre mondial débarquent à Ottawa lors de la conférence de Canada 2020

Sir Richard Branson, Brian Mulroney, Bill Morneau, Harjit Sajjan, Kathleen Wynne, Liz Plank, Emily Haines et David Frum, entre autres conférenciers, participeront à la quatrième conférence annuelle de Canada 2020
13 juin 2017 (Ottawa) – Des orateurs de calibre mondial sont attendus à la quatrième conférence annuelle de Canada 2020, notamment Liz Plank, David Frum et Anand Giridharadas. La conférence prévue sur deux jours comportera des panels de discussion, des discours liminaires et des exposés spéciaux sur l’intelligence artificielle, l’avenir de l’emploi, l’état actuel des médias, le soutien aux entrepreneurs, et bien plus encore.
À titre de plaque tournante canadienne en matière de politiques publiques, Canada 2020 organise à nouveau sa conférence annuelle où se tiendra un débat intelligent, tourné vers l’avenir au sujet de l’avenir des gouvernements, de la politique publique et du Canada. L’événement se tiendra du 14 au 16 juin au Centre Shaw d’Ottawa et sera axé sur le thème de la transformation inédite :
“Nous constatons des transformations de grande envergure notamment dans la manière dont nous travaillons, dont nous consommons l’actualité et dont nous collaborons avec nos partenaires à l’échelle mondiale” affirme Tim Barber, cofondateur de Canada 2020. “La conférence de Canada 2020 de cette année est centrée sur l’intervention d’un gouvernement ouvert, progressiste et impliqué par rapport à ces grands changements de paradigme — et sur la participation accrue des citoyens à ces procédés.”

  • Événement: La 4e conférence annuelle de Canada 2020
  • Organisé par Canada 2020
  • Dates: 14 – 16 juin 2017
  • Lieu: Centre Shaw, Ottawa
  • Ordre du jour:
  • Conférenciers:
    • Sir Richard Branson, foundateur, Virgin Group
    • Le très Hon. Brian Mulroney, ancien premier ministre du Canada
    • L’hon. Bill Morneau, ministre des Finances
    • L’hon. Harjit Sajjan, ministre de la Défense nationale
    • L’hon. Kathleen Wynne, première ministre de l’Ontario
    • Ty Cobb, Global Director, Human Rights Campaign
    • David Frum, rédacteur principal, The Atlantic
    • Liz Plank, productrice principale, Vox Media
    • Anand Giridharadas, chroniqueur au New York Times
    • Emily Haines, chanteuse principale, Metric
    • Bernie Meyerson, chef de l’innovation, IBM
    • & plus, consultez la liste complète

Des présentoirs, podiums et postes de travail avec wi-fi seront mis à la disposition des membres des médias, qui auront également accès à toutes les séances de la conférence. La disponibilité des conférenciers auprès des médias sera déterminée au cas par cas.
Renseignements aux médias :
Alex Paterson, directeur des communications, Canada 2020, [email protected] | 613-793-8234
Les demandes d’accréditation doivent être adressées par courriel à [email protected] avec la mention ‘ACCRÉDITATION’ en objet.

New paper details 10 Big Ideas for Canada’s innovation agenda

Innovation Project Logo - Black - EN

New Canada 2020 paper Towards an Inclusive, Innovation Canada – Volume 1 available now

February 3, 2017 (Ottawa) – Canada 2020 has released volume one of its new paper, Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada – a part of the Canada 2020 Innovation Project. The report provides inspiration for the government’s innovation agenda, with 10 big ideas for how to improve Canada’s innovation performance.
The full report is available here (PDF) or at
The first volume in a new series from Canada 2020, Towards an Inclusive, Innovative Canada features contributions from Canada 2020 Senior Associate Mike Moffat as well as thought-leaders Hannah Rasmussen and David Watters.
“We know that to be competitive, Canada must innovate more — or risk being left behind,” said Mike Moffatt, Senior Associate at Canada 2020 and Director of the Lawrence Centre at Western University. “Our new Canada 2020 report does away with half-measures and offers the kind of big, bold swings that the government’s innovation agenda should be considering if we want to break from our traditionally mediocre innovation performance.”
Volume One opens a conversation about the game-changing ideas that will accelerate Canada’s innovation performance. Each idea is fully mapped out, detailing how they would work and who would be involved.  Some of the ideas include:

  • Establish a Parliamentary Coherence Officer
  • Create a set of Canada 150 Goals and Prizes
  • Push for a Canada-wide acceleration of numeracy skills
  • Reform labour markets, and create innovation accords between provinces
  • Create a financial matchmaker system to help coordinate financing and capital for startups
  • + more

Moffatt added: “Without an inclusive innovation agenda, we will see an economy that does not generate enough tax revenues to provide a quickly growing elderly population with adequate health care. We will see a growing divide between haves and have-nots as the economy fails to provide employment opportunities for all. We risk the rise of American- and British-style populism, as income growth and opportunities are limited to the well-connected, shutting out everyone from the city kid growing up in Toronto to the farm girl from Whalen Corners.”
Based on a series of roundtables, consultations and original research conducted across the country – from Halifax to Vancouver – Volume One eloquently captures Canada’s need to innovate, how to measure innovation, while also highlighting important goals we should keep in mind.
“If Canada is to become truly innovative, governments must have the courage to attempt new approaches,” said Hannah Rassmussen, one of the report’s authors and Director at Projection North. “Our hope is that these ideas will be seen as both the starting point of a larger conversation around innovation and an opportunity to think big about the ways we can make Canada a more innovative country.”
The Innovation Project is a living, evolving initiative housed at Canada 2020 with the goal of studying, debating and promoting the building blocks of what can and will make Canada more innovative country. Launched in June of 2016, Canada 2020 has hosted roundtables, consultations, and events large and small focused on Canada’s innovation agenda.
To keep up to date with Canada2020’s Innovation Project, please visit
For media requests, please contact alex[at]canada2020[dot]ca